I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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Luke, I think the point is that there were no Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Catholics, other Christians, or a whole raft of other relibions represented among the 19 hijackers.

As Sen. McCain said, it's not a question of intolerance on the part of the people who don't want a mosque next door to Ground Zero, it's insensitivity on the part of the people who want to put it there.

Not all Japanese were militaristic or committed war crimes, but you don't see ANY Japanese lobbying for a memorial to their WW II dead or a Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor. The same applies to the issue under discussion.
Not all Japanese were militaristic or committed war crimes, but you don't see ANY Japanese lobbying for a memorial to their WW II dead or a Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor. The same applies to the issue under discussion.

No Ben, the same does not apply here. Japan is a seperate country and has no rights here in America to establish such a memorial.

However, there are many, many innocent Americans who happen to be Muslim where they do have those same rights afforded to any other American. Yes, not all Japanese were militaristic, but every Muslim is not a terrorist either....so why lump them as such?

After Pearl Harbor, America interred many, many innocent German and Japanese AMERICANS into camps....just because of their heritage. We denied the basic rights and freedoms to these people because of FEAR. So why deny rights and freedoms from Americans now? Did we not learn from the past?

The building is already owned by the group who want to put this mosque in. It is their Constitutionally guaranteed rights to worship how they please. It is their rights to not be persecuted because of their religious beliefs. These are Americans who want a place to worship (You did push the topic pretty hard in the Christmas threads and made a big issue about freedom OF and freedom FROM religion), So why should there be a freedom FROM religion clause now then?
Thanks, mate!
I'll keep saying what I said earlier- Just because someone is a practising Muslim, doesn't mean they're a terrorist.

A Muslim has the right to build the mosque where they see fit, as does any other person practicising their religion....
That you further think that all muslims are terrorists implies you are ignorant.
Spot on Jack.
no one would object it being only a mile or two from Ground Zero, but to be 2 blocks from Ground Zero, and having damage from the landing gear on the building, and the fact that it only happened nine years ago, all of these things mean that it's not the right thing to do.
So how far away is far enough and how long do people need to wait to ensure they don't offend anyone?

Or is it a case of "anywhere but not in my backyard?"
1) Total number killed on 9/11 varies by source but commonly it is just under 3000, which INCLUDES the 343 FF's. So it would appear that YOU have forgotten.
2) Do you really hate all muslims that much?
3) As a superpower, are you suggesting that we somehow attack or bomb the proposed mosque site?
4) "...too many bleedin hearts out there..." you sound like Archie Bunker there, huh, geez.
5) No one will stick together for what? To take away the rights of people you happen to hate?
6) If america is not what it once was, what was it one time that you would want us to be again?
7) The rest of your ramblings really make no sense at all. You should take a basic writing class so you can at least understand what grammar and punctuation are all about.
kevin have you ever considered the use of punctuation things like a period or occasional comma would add a bit of credibility to your stream of consciousness ramblings because right now you sound like a frightened little girl wait i take that back my daughter is not afraid of her fellow Americans but apparently you and a bunch of others are but thats ok because you have the right to be that way even though it means abandoning the values and spirit that once made this nation great but now we will happily sell out to feel a little safer so long as it is Moslems that are treated like crap not real Americans which apparently means white Christians and no one else but somehow dividing the country along religious lines now counts as sticking together by the way i did not know you went to worship in the twin towers I always thought they were office buildings and the site of the so called mosque was actually a coat store but you are free to worship how ever you please but if you worship coats we might not let you build a church near a sauna
( we the people) founded this great nation and i know we have the power to stop this slap in the face

We the people, also created a constitution to guarantee basic rights and freedoms to ALL Americans, which includes a freedom to worship as one pleases, the freedom from persecution because of religious beliefs and so on.

So we have the power to stop this "slap in the face". And henceforth what would that "slap in the face" really be? Denial of the basic rights we already established because of FEAR, IGNORANCE, and personal EMOTION.....I would consider THAT a huge slap in the face....That other Americans be denied the same basic rights they are guaranteed under the constitution.

As FDR said.. "The only thing we have to fear is, fear itself"

How true, yet how forgotten, because it sure seems FEAR is the driving force of many here to cowardly to stand up for the basic freedoms afforded every American. Or would it be just plain ignorance? Either way it is appalling many so called "patriots" are forgetting those basic rights and are allowing fear, ignorance, and emotion to rule their decisions.
Sad but true who can forget the tradic day of 9-11-01. I can't believe what happened on that day and i believe we all should march in memory of our fallen brother's and sister's
There are religious organizations that have publicly stated that their goal is to have their followers infiltrate every strata of politics, from the local, grass roots building and zoning commissions, boards of education to local government, up through state and federal offices. Their goal? To turn this country into a nation that is led and governed by (their interpretation of) of their religious beliefs.

They would do away with much of what we've come to see as basic fundamental rights and replace them with religious law. Politics would no longer be separate from religion but would instead be governed by religion. Religion would be a part of everyday life and if you weren't a believer then life would be, at best, difficult.

This religion is christianity, and the organizations that desire this are mainstream and out in the open...mostly.


From Times Online
July 5, 2007
How a 'fourth tier' religious law school infiltrated the US Government
The hiring of 150 graduates of a poorly regarded faith-based law school has raised questions about the influence of faith on the American political process, says a New York trial lawyer


Regent University School of Law: Founded by televangelist Pat Robertson
"The number one distinction in our school is teaching from a religious perspective; faith impacts what we do in the classrooms." -- Dean Jeff Brauch

Liberty University School of Law: Televangelist Jerry Falwell founded Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., in 1971 as a fundamentalist Baptist university. "...is founded upon the premise that there is an integral relationship between faith and reason, and that both have their origin in the Triune God." -- Liberty's Web site

Not even given the chance but rather taking it, they are making it their goal to turn this nation into (their particular flavor of) a christian nation. How does that bode for anyone NOT of their flavor, much less not even a christian? And how would this be different from the taliban?

In muslim countries, especially the poor ones, organizations like the taliban are bulding madrasah, islamic religious schools that educate under strict adherence to religious principals and are thought to be a breeding ground for future terrorists.

In the U.S., children are either home schooled or sent to parochial schools, some of which teach similar to the madrasah, only with strict adherence to 'christian' principals and without the terrorism overtones. But each desires a similar outcome: That their nation be governed by their own particular religious beliefs.

So while the far right rhetoric flies, labeling all muslims as terrorists or supporters of terrorism and fear mongering is at an all time high, persuading americans to separate non-christians from the constitution, main stream christian organizations move forward with their world domination plans and, I suspect, work sotto voce behind the power brokers, encouraging policies and actions that will bring them all closer to armageddon and fulfilling their 'biblical prophecies.

Sound far fetched and conspiracy bound? Perhaps, but no less so than the nonsense out there about the NYC mosque being a victory mosque, or an entrance point for terrorists or that islam teaches only hatred and killing or that our president is a muslim or that we have to get rid of all muslims to protect ourselves.

Remember this, once before we allowed American born citizens to be imprisoned because of who their parents were and where they came from and their property confiscated, all in violation of their constitutional rights, because it was 'easier' and because ignorance always breeds prejudice and prejudice always breeds fear. And fear always trumps individual rights.
Were the murderers on September 11, 2001 representing all of Islam?

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