Do you consider it tacky or unprofessional to wear another department's t-shirts, etc. during leisure time? (ie., FDNY, Boston)

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I never said anything against vollys. I just said there's a lot that buy shirts. I know probably 95% of the firemen that buy shirts from us are vollys. I also know that a career guy would never wear it on the job because it's probably against the rules.
I don't think so as long as your not on duty, if your on duty during leisure time it should be the Dept. you work for.
As long as they sell them, it can't be tacky. I know the museum in Denver and in San Diego sell t-shirts.
Nothing wrong with wearing another Dept's shirt off duty. I agree with Brian about drinking while representing the brotherhood. I won't even wear a dept shirt (either my own or another depts) when I'm at a function drinking with or without the public present. It only takes 1 person that saw you with a drink in your hand then respond to an incident to give the fire service a black eye.
Because I wear a uniform every day and when I'm on duty I represent my agency I do not wear any fire department shirts or hats when I'm off duty. Actually when I am in town I am on duty whether at the office or not. So, I just dont wear any other agencies stuff. I dont really have an opinion about whether it is wrong or tacky. As to t-shirts however, the BS ones saying "I fight what you fear and all the rest of the stupid t-shirts that give our profession a bad name are tacky and un-professional.
I wear some shirts off duty, but they aren't ones that I would wear to work. We have TONS of other department shirts. If it's something like an Emerald Society shirt, I'll wear it. Otherwise why have it? Here's some:

About being at a bar, I don't usually wear my stuff. I have worn my class A uniform though. St Patty's Day after the parade people go straight to the bar.
We can wear what ever we want when working out. During duty hrs we wear either our dept issdued tshirt or company tshirt. The only time we are required to wear class B (Blue button shirt,badge,name plate,pants) is for a detail or any class room training done at our training facility or when going to see a chief officer at hq.
I see nothing wrong with wearing another dept. tshirt off duty. We can wear our Company tshirt off duty. We also have dept tshirts that we can buy at the union hall, they look very close to the duty shirts. These we can wear off duty.
Some of the Vol dept. in the area have there own tshirts, alot of the guys buy these. We wear them when we go out drinking.
Check out You can design your own and the cost is very reasonable!


i got wrote up for that once by a lieutenant when i came in to pick up my paycheck. (thank god for direct deposit) The shirt i had on was a battalion chief's shirt a gift from a friend in new jersey. The Lt. wrote me up for "impersonating a chief officer". i fought it and won because at the time "the shirt was from new jersey and...i was physically in florida where i live and work" (i know that sounded like bs). the chief of department got a laugh out of the whole thing because privately he thought it was Bs and knew the Lt. had a hard on for me...i wore a different departments shirt every time i came to the station when i knew he was there and we had words over it again. i told him once and for all that what i wear off duty is my business and unless the chief put out a policy that says that i cant wear any other departments shirts, you cant stop me and i won't stop, it's my choice. then the Lt. questions my "lack of loyality to my own department" because i have so many shirts from other departments. i told him that have been a buff since i was a teenager and have made many friends and we have traded shirts for years. When the question of where the shirts i was trading was comming from and going to, i produced recepts for the ones i bought out of my own pocket outside of my issued shirts (i traded patches back then too and he tried to complain about that while sitting under our patch board with about 100 on them)...he really hated my kennedy space center shirt because it was an actual crew shirt-(my barbers son is on the job there)...i have no problem wearing other department shirts (off duty) or anyone else doing it either. it's is a shining example of brotherhood
That's one thing I worry about. I usually won't even wear my own out if its an official work shirt. I just at least hope that they don't wear the shirt in our city. Otherwise it's not too bad.
Excellent point. Someimes I have to convey that to members of my own department!

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