I was reading and commented on a post about a person who carried all kinds of crap on his helmet and it got me thinking .... What tools do people carry in their bunker or turnout coat pockets ?

I carry in my right bunker pant pocket .. a utility knife, 2 wooden wedges, 4 small plastic wedges (great for plugging sprinkler heads) a pair of klein cable cutters, my right glove

In my left pocket I carry a 6' piece and a 15' of webbing, 2 more wooden wedges, my left glove

My right pocket a pair of pliers, straight screw driver, shove knife, seat belt cutter

My left pocket a phillips screw driver, pair of trauma shears.

I also carry a flashlight with shoulder strap and a straight edge dive knife wire tied to the shoulder strap that rests in the middle of my chest.

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right pants pocket has 25' utility rope,
left pants pocket has pliers, 4 way combo screwdriver, folding spanner, 1 wooden chock,channel lock plier
left coat pocket has 5' piece of webbing with a loop on both ends and 2 large caribiners. (makes a great utility sling)
right coat pocket has trauma shears and gloves

I also have a 22' piece of webbing tied in a loop with a water knot. This is in between the coat liner and the shell, it goes up one sleeve across the shoulders and back down other sleeve with a small (about 1") tab hanging out. This is strictly a rescue device to create a harness to pull out a brother with. It works great and takes up no pocket space and you don't even know it's there.
I carry my gear in my POv. I have my nomax between my boots on so i wont forget to put it on for a call (still a proby).

CPR mask in my inside coat pocket
L coat pocket i have a 25' RIT rope
R coat pocket multi tool and a serated knife
pants pocket one pair gloves each pocket
A small piece of advice if you want it since you mentioned you're still a probie. The multi-tools are nice but make sure you can open it and use it without having to take off your gloves, if you ever need it to save yourself from a situation you don't want to expose any skin to do it.
I carry a Lionel Pocket-tool and sometimes a Firefighter Pocket-tool.

Before that... I carried way too many tools (as seen in the picture): The tools I now carry have the following:

Spanner wrench
Gas Shut off
Striking surface
10” Tongue and Groove Plier ( ie. Channel Locks) - Curved jaw
The curved jaw give better bite on rounded objects.
#1 Phillips Screwdrivers
#2 Phillips Screwdrivers
1/4” Standard Screwdrivers
3/16” Standard Screwdrivers
1/4” Nut Drivers
5/16 Nut Drivers

You can see the tools I now carry at Pocket-tool.com or on ebay
I don't carry a lot, I find if I need a tool, there is usually time to get one, if there is no time, the tool I need is commonly a sledge or something similar anyway! lol
I do carry my leather extrication gloves, fire gloves, wedges, door straps, chalk, two small screwdrivers, a small wrench (for batteries) seatbelt cutter and window punch. I think that's pretty much it.
Oh yeah, a couple of pairs of med gloves.
In my bunker pants I keep my extrication gloves, my Res-Q-wrench, a 10 foot piece of rope a 3 foot piece of webbing with loops on each end for making a girth hitch and handle. On my coat I keep my structural gloves on a glove keeper, my Mini Mag flashlight and I put a radio from the engine in the radio pocket upon arrival at a scene. I put my nomex hood on top of my boots for easy donning. I like some of the gear I see listed here and may begin a collection of my own.
On the left side of my helmet I carry a window punch. (I always found it hard to dig out of a pocket or disengage it from a carbeiner.)

I have a Survivor flashlight that I hang from my Mic loop.
And if I get one, the radio goes in my radio pocket.

Front right pocket: Fire gloves.
Back right pocket: Extrication gloves.
Front left pocket: 20 foot of one inch webbing with carbeiner, kept rolled inside an exam glove.
Back left pocket: Multi-tool, also trying out a folding spanner my chief gave me the other day.

Also, on my suspenders I keep a pair of exam gloves in a small holder.

My hood hangs from the shoulder of my coat when stored on the rack. If I don't don it with the rest of my gear it goes into my back left pocket.

That's it for me.
Some of the officers helmets on the dpt here have an opening on the upper side of the helmet that allows for the placement of a strean line flash light, though I find I makes the helmet feel too top heavy and floppy.
I carried a leatherman tool on my uniform belt. I used this a lot. I carried nothing in my bunker pants. Most of my career we never wore bunker pants, so I never got in the habit of keeping anything there. I'm not even sure my bunker pants had pockets.

In my coat I always kept a short length of rope used as a hose strap, my leather gloves, and a small fold-up spanner. When I was assigned to a truck company I also carried a figure 8, a carabener, and a loop of webbing I could make a sling out of. I also wore a spanner belt fairly often. This was good as I could tuck an axe into it at the small of my back and still keep both hands free when throwing and climbing ladders. I never had spanners in the belt, I only wore it when I was a ladderman.

I always had a streamlight flashlight clipped to my coat somewhere.

I usually had a Fire Box key hooked to the top clasp of my coat.

I usually had a few wedges tucked behind a rubber strap on my helmet. (This is a bad idea. It's handy but after a few hot fires it will cause flat spots to develop on your helmet behind the wedges. This will push the leather up against your head and reduce your protection. Carry the wedges somewhere else.)

I had a Saint Florian medallion pinned to the inside of the outer liner.

Not exactly stored in my gear, but I rarely left the engine w/o a hauling line and I never left the truck w/o the large handlamp.

I have no idea why I remember all this. I guess I miss the job.

I had carried more junk around when I was younger, but the longer I worked, the less stuff I carried.
Well, don't I just feel naked compared to you guys.

I'm taking notes though, being very new to our volunteer force and fire fighting in general.

Right now, I carry two bottles of water (one for myself and one just in case someone else gets into trouble), a blood sugar test kit and glucose (because I am diabetic), my hood, and a pair of exam gloves. My firefighting gloves are on a strap on my coat, my flashlight is attached to my coat and my radio goes in my radio pocket, of course.
-Rubber band with 2 D.C. style metal Hingelock Door Chocks.

-Suvivor LED light
-Heavy Duty Cable Cutters in the radio pocket
-Bailout Kit in the right pocket
-"Save a Jake" sling in the left pocket

-5 to 6 wooden door chocks in the right pocket
-2, 25' pieces of 2" webbing in the left pocket.

To keep from carrying so much unecessary junk and waying myself down, I have a small nylon tool bag that I throw on the rig during shift. Some of the most used tools are kept in a small sleeve that slips into my bunker pants pocket. Depending on the type of call and dispatch information, I can grab whatever I may need, or just bring the entire bag and contents with me.

The inventory includes,
-Extrication Gloves
-Safety Glasses
-Window Punch
-Seat Belt Cutter
-Gerber Mulitool
-Screw Driver with changeble tips
-Duct Tape
-N95 Masks
-Shove Knife
-Elevator Key
-Hearing Protection
Dennis...I just went to a seminar on firefighter rehab....Now they are preaching that a sports drink is better than plain water...sort of makes sense....need replacement of electrolytes as well as the fluids...and DO NOT ice it....will cause nausea and possible vomitting....Paul

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