you can post some of your favorite fire fighter or fire related quotes here, mine is

"I am just another fireman because the story focuses on Joaquin Phoenix's character, but I play Joaquin's close friend and I get burned up a little bit, but I don't die.
Morris Chestnut"

if you could supply the author it would be greatly apreciated

EDIT:-10.17.08- non fire fighter quotes are also excepted,
EDIT:11/26/08 dont forget to add me

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"There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer"
Lt. Capt. Jimmy Doolittle. "Pearl Harbor" the movie
I would rather be pulling ceilings...Chicago truck Captain

I can think of no more stiring symbol of a man's humanity to man than a fire engine Kurt Nonnegut Jr
The best thing about being an old fireman is getting to be an old fireman
- Former Fire Chief

Dispatch -The caller states it smells like burning watermelons.
Deputy Chief- County, what do burning watermelons smell like? (true story)

Truck- What house on main street is it?
Chief- The only one on fire. (also true)
yeah i know Derek, i find it hard to belive
i like the second one, a while back we had a water battle at a practice burn, it was FF vs exploerers, we had a inch and 3 quater, they were sporting a 2.5, need i say more we lost, bad
i like them both
Cops carry guns cause they can't handle the irons!
coal was wealth
An old Captain of mine said to me, "Save your air for when you need it..." in regards to firefighters who mask up to early.
Don't know if it has already been said but when following a hoseline out of a building, "Smooth Bump Bump back to the pump". And about putting tools in a pocket and sliding down stairs, "Left is Life"
Firefighter: You want me to pick up a truck?

Chief: Not unless you want to sit with me, and watch it burn!
My favorite line is when I have someone that knows everything and wants to argue about something they know nothing about, I tell them," I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person". Usually it takes them a while to figure it out.

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