So with all the other burning color question that must be answered, there is one that hasn't come up in a while and must be addressed. If I wear a yellow helmet and black gear should I have a yellow hood to match the helmet, black to match the gear or a contrasting color for visiblility. Same if I wear a red helmet and tan gear, or a white helmet. And should I take into consideration if I will be riding in a red truck or a yellow engine. I mean if you are not fashionable on the fireground it could set a bad tone with the residents who already think it took you too long to respond anyway. (Since you couldn't figure out if you should run your red lights with your Q siren or just blue and use the air horn on your way to the station.)

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I think either you are trying to be a smartass or you are a dumb shit......LOL...Hmmm, I have to work on my communication skills a little........
It doesn't matter how many lives you save, so long as you look good doing it.
I believe this is why we ALL hate Lime Green Apparati! It clashes with everything!!!!
I did note the NYFD patch...

Thanks for the prompt Cap. It was difficult to get past the open turnout coat. If your going to wear your PPEs, you should wera them right. ;)

Queer Eye for the Fire Guy.

Oh Snap!
I am so glad I am part of a group that takes things so seriously. I couldnt make it through each day without laughing at myself or my Bro's. Seriously! OH Heck! I cant be serious.
Wait, what if I want to wear my Spiterman hood or my Superman hood. Then do I have to change the coler of my gear?
Only if you want to remain "In Style". If you don't care how TACKY or TRASHY you look, then by all means, just throw on any old turnouts with any old hood and helmet!!

Of course, you'll only be welcome at trailer fires, but what the heck!

On NEXT weeks show! How to make sure your gloves and hose don't cause a scene!!!
Dear Ross;

The waist belt of my air pack is tan but my boots are black. Ewwww! What to do?
Sweeetie. Go with the Yellow hood. Get some matching yellow gloves. You'll be vibrant and everyone will want to be just like you. Smashing. Silly fire dog.
Does this mean no white boots after labor Day? What about spit shine for our military brothers?

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