I have a 'continuing' discussion with a few people (all of whom have only ever worked with/on ladders since joining the department) about the right way to foot (or heel) a ladder.  Granted I was "taught" the fire service way -to stand beneath the ladder holding the rails- but when I'm footing the ladder I stand facingit (and when climbing I'd prefer the footer do the same).  

I've done carpentry/construction for years and have never seen anyone stand beneath a ladder.  The risk of being hit by dropped tools/materials is too great.  Yet the fire service still teaches this method.

In my opinion, footing the ladder while facing it allows the footer to watch the FF climbing, be aware of any hazards (including dropped tools) and, under conditions or situations where the ladder might slip, allow the footer to actually stand on the bottom rung for additional ballast.

I'm not looking for a poll as to which way you do it but rather, sound arguments for one way or the other.

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There seems to be some confusion as to why we foot a ladder. By definition, footing a ladder is facing the ladder and structure. Heeling a ladder is what we are taught in FF1 and FF2 school. That is with your back to the structure and not looking up for fear of falling objects. I just assume that we will have to make a judgement call when the time comes to either foot or heel a ladder. Safety first but personally I like to foot a ladder so that I can see what is going on and the potential problems that could happen.
I can agree that there may very well be conditions/situations where being under the ladder may make more sense, but that can be a decision for the heelman to make based on conditions and needs. Like anything else there can be more than one way to perform a certain task.
Jack - Exactly! It seems common sense and discretion is no longer permitted on the fire ground. It's by the book or else! Sad. The book teaches the rules. Experience teaches the exceptions. What if a candidate did it the "wrong" way ( that being NOT the same way as was taught) and they fail him/her on the exam..is that fair? Something hopefully the creators of the exams / courses can take into consideration!
Good topic of discussion Jack.
Hey Henry,

This is the comment I was addressing:

"the FF footing the ladder is responsible for anyone that is on or goes up that ladder"

When a FF is assigned the job of heeling in a ladder, that should be his/her only responsibility. Or at least that is the way I was taught. Once you heel in and let the team know you are ready, you hold on tight, don't let go and don't look up until you are relieved.

I like to think that my "...uncharacteristically conciliatory tone" isn't so much one of conciliation as it is of recognition that there may be alternative methods or preferences to completing the same task. Safety being the operative guideline.

And as I'm not particularly dogmatic on most things I can certainly concede the possibility of the (occasional) benefit of footing from beneath the ladder. I also concede that the years of experience that Chief Waller has makes him believe that his method is the better one.

Brian Mackie makes a good point that both ways should be taught, with the understanding that one method may be preferred, either departmentally or situationally with the key here being that the individual understands and performs according to such dictates.

While you may have been disappointed by my uncharacteristically conciliatory tone, hope springs eternal in the knowledge that there will arise an occasion in which I may speak with a much less conciliatory tone. Hard to believe but the possibility exists.

You're getting to be as long-winded as friggin' Waller! (And that's saying something).

Of course there are alternative methods, but you knew that going into the discussion. We're talking about the better method. Now stick to your guns, sissy sailor, and stop being so nice - like me.
In my 35 years, including places where we caught fire an average of at least once per day, back in the day, my experience has been the exact opposite.
"Better" is the way I want to do it, and that's final...until someone else posts something different.

That was uncharacteristically concise.

So, are we going into Naum's burning house, or what? (I know, I know. It depends.)

I had no idea you worked in the South Bronx. How long?
Did you think that the South Bronx was the only place that had a lot of fire in the 1970's?
Well there you go. Still don't agree with you.
Hell no. It's just one of the many usual suspects too numerous to list. But the suspense is killin' me. Where were ya?

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