OK...I have noticed that we have all these EXPERTS here giving such great advice, slamming their Departments in a public forum,Acting as authorities that want to buck their Chiefs,No timers (no longevity in the Fire Service).....So I will ask you all this....at a Fire call should I put my right boot on first or my left...?  Would it be the same for MVA calls...?  And what about Carbon Monoxide calls....?  Does it change with the seasons....?  I am sure all those interested in the "colors of trucks", "colors of turn out gear"..."Jrs on calls" and the like will have the answers I so despirately need.....Thank-you all...............Paul    LOL  sorry I couldn't help myself....

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Awesome statement Paul....for putting boots on....I usually do a little dance and them just jump straight up an slam em on my feet ...LOL....J/K.....Be Safe Brothers and Sisters
Hmmmm, Damn it, now i'm confused. Never thought about which foot I put in first until now.
Paul? The answer to all of your questions is 'YES'!

Wait a minute, I wan't a junior member of a brigade, so I'll have to change my answer to '42'...
Sorry Tony....the correct answer is choice "B"........
Nope sorry...strictly Rural here...but that does bring up another issue...if we go mutual aid to the city...do we have to undress and do it their way before we can respond....? (damn, another dilemma)
OK Chief.....not sure they will respond to me though...Haven't been around enough to develop the "tough skin" yet......BUT, hey, go ahead.....I think I can handle it and promise not to cry if you don't agree with my point of view.......
I wasn't joking either we do get called into a neighboring city for mutual aid on a regular basis...their attitude toward "Volunteers" has changed quite a bit once they realized that we could handle most situations and that ALL our people have the same or higher training than they do.....
well we try.....
Any rookie will tell you that the first foot into the boot is not as important as being able to get the the fire house as fast as possible with as many lights and sirens in your POV. You never know how many people you will need to request the right of way from in order to get to that tree in the highway and cut it up. Traffic could be backed up for several minutes if you do not get there quick. Just think of the lost commerce.
Damn, its a good thing we have Rooks and probies never would have known....I better order some more lights....and maybe even a siren .... NOT!!!!
Wait a minute....you guys take your boots OFF?
Hey Mike, I understand, I was the Jr. once. But thanks to the lack of social networking, I did not make myself look like a fool to everyone, just my department.

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