My name is Katie and I'm a writer I currently came up with an idea for a demon slayer and after brainstorming for a while it hit me why not make my main character a firefighter as well I have drawn a lot of insperation from fire fighters and I think it is one of the most noble and honorable jobs out there right along with serving your country.  If my main character is going to be a hero in a ficticious world why not in a realistic one as well?  I want the part about firefighting to be as accurate and factual as possable I've had a passion for writting ever since I was six-years-old and firefighters give me a lot of inspiration I will be more than grateful for any insight or ideas you have thank you for your time and service to our country!  HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

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First lemme say to Bobby, AMEN BROTHER! Then I shall address your question, while many do it because they are paid or because they get to help others I do it because as has been said before... no 2 runs are the same, you can run automatic alarm calls all day and there be nothing wrong when you arrive, a simple mechanical problem to blame. Then as soon as your head hits the pillow at 2300, the tones drop for a car crash or a fire with children unaccounted for..... and then I ask myself after those calls.... "Where else do I get to do this stuff and have so much fun enjoying my work?" The awnser I have found thus far has been RIGHT WHERE I AM. Hope that helps ya.
Your right no 2 calls are the same. As soon as you start thinking that way you'll find yourself in trouble. The days of calling and asking the ER staff how your pt was doing is long gone, The only way to find out is if your lucky enough to get a visit at the station or letter sent to the station from the Pt or Pt's family, which doesn't happen much. This is mostly a thankless job, but again it doesn't take a thank you or good job for us to know what we did. Sometimes even without a thank you from those in need, you can see it on their face when its all said and done and you just know.
Blimey! How that limey could, uh...........rhymey?
Some of us do it because we like to hear EMT's ramble on and on and on...

Love ya Ralph!! Mean it!!
Hi Katie,

One of the reasons I love the job so much is that when someone yell's "Do something!", I like being one of the ones that knows what to do.

Kali made a good point about the brotherhood aspect, that's another big part of it.

And I volunteer because I would rather do this job for free than not at all.

Which brings up a good point of realism for your story. Be sure and make your main character a Volunteer Firefighter. We are MUCH more handsome and heroic than those PAID weasels!!!!

keep thinking that lol
Shakespeare's HENRY V C.1599 nice quote.... I like helping people and yes it feels good to do everything we do but I can say one of the things I like the most is the little kids faces when you let them look at the trucks and turn the lights on and spray the hose....
This was taken last night (July 4th)

Kali, Are we to conclude that you "hold your manhood cheap"?
If that is the case, I must say that I'm phlabbergasted.
I know that you have and that you do. I was just wondering how literally to take the Willy S. quote. :->
The most satifying....? Hmmm...well maybe it is doing a job that others either cannot do or won't do and meeting the needs of someone that despirately needs our help in their time of need
It's also very gratifying to get to play grab-ass with the fellas. (You know, in a manly sort of way).

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