My name is Katie and I'm a writer I currently came up with an idea for a demon slayer and after brainstorming for a while it hit me why not make my main character a firefighter as well I have drawn a lot of insperation from fire fighters and I think it is one of the most noble and honorable jobs out there right along with serving your country.  If my main character is going to be a hero in a ficticious world why not in a realistic one as well?  I want the part about firefighting to be as accurate and factual as possable I've had a passion for writting ever since I was six-years-old and firefighters give me a lot of inspiration I will be more than grateful for any insight or ideas you have thank you for your time and service to our country!  HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

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Sorry Katie but I have to say it...

I would say the most satisfying part of my job is helping people.... you know like when they have fallen and can't get up. Better yet sat on the toilet so long they have to push their lifeline because their legs are asleep and can't get off the toilet. No wait, the best one's are when they can't make the toilet and want to be assisted with clean up.

Man theres alot of heroic calls in between just a few building fires these days...
Oh I can relate to that My mom got diagnosed with cancer when I was 14 and when she was going through her chemotheropy I was the one she called for at night so I can I imagine Im sure you helping that elderly person it meant a lot to them thanks for your post
There are calls that are legit and I am sorry to hear about your mom. And it is not that way everywhere.... but in the city, and this economy, don't know who to call? Call the fire department. Some of the places I have been to lately... well I wouldn't call it sanitary for pets to live in.
the job in itself is the most satisfying. In everything I do, It involves giving someone assistance. Maybe help make their day a little bit better. That is what is satisfying to me. When it all goes well.
Need to work on your punctuation though. I know "it's just a forum post", but if you want people to take you seriousely, you gotta make it neat and clean if you are presenting yourself as a writer. Not trying to be mean, just throwing that out there.
Thats awful to hear that people live in those conditions, its very sad but true thank u for your simpathy for my mom she passed away when i was 17 and when i was little she always encouraged me to read lots of books focus on school and write my stories I'm wirting this book partially for her
Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for your insight, it was very helpful :)
The most satisfying aspect of my job as a firefighter is fighting fire.
The most satisfying aspect of my job, be it firefighting or EMS, is knowing that I did my best to help people in their time of need.
um...chicks dig it?

At least that's what they told me when I joined. Not sure when that starts, but any day now!
Good luck with that ;-)
Its been said before & I think most will say the samething, Just knowing you helped someone during a time of need. No matter if its the 3am I fell out of bed call , the the working structure fire or the car accident with someone trapped when the call is done everyone in the Fire/Rescue service gets that feeling knowing they helped someone in need. YEAAH the 3am nursing homes calls, the frequent flyer calls looking for a taxi ride, the fire alarm calls and then dozens of BS calls that go on get old but when that 1 real emerg. comes in it makes all those BS calls feel so small and forgetable.

We don't get much in the way of thanks for all that we in the Fire service do for our community, but that once a while when someone says thanks it makes you feel great. I can say that I don't think any of us doing the job do it for the thanks....

But when moments like this picture happen well words cant say enough...

Well done. Great picture. Indeed it is the little things like a smile and a hug that make it all worthwhile. We love those "thank you" cards that come in the mail. Thanks to HIPAA we can't check on a patient's progress anymore unless we have a connection with their family.

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