because we rnot full time thats why we just risk our lives the same as paid

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And once again, that has nothing to do with being a volly. Paid guys would have gotten the same thing. He did his job. That's all. If he can't handle just doing his job then he should quit.
it's yours bro.
I get enough flak as it is for making comments on posts like these. If I corrected your spelling someone would have given me poopy about it. As it is there are "people" that think I'm an ass for my comments. Although interestingly not a one of them has popped in here to give any of you the fingers of shame for picking on this post/poster.
Geez...could it be some don't like me? Oh no. I think I need a hug. Or at least some fancy award, or recognition, or an atta boy anyways.
Civilians don't see paid or volunteer. They see competence and professionalism. Firefighters hardly ever get recognized (paid or volunteer ). What people do see is either you know what you are doing or you do not. Like these other guys said, if you joined for glory and praise you joined for the wrong reasons and you will always be disappointed.
Could not agree with you more 81 Captain 4. There are no such things as Heroes in the real world. We, as firefighters are doing what we want and enjoy for our own fun, and good feeling it gives us helping our fellow man. The Military personal, in my own oppinion, are doing there job for not only there country but people and generations they will never know. That is heroic to me. God bless the U.S. Military personal all around the world. Me and my family's prayers will be with you this weekend as always.
I just scanned through this thread again, and noticed that Mr Burbage has added a few posts. So I'll add some more for him to read.

1. What do you want for your brother, a medal? He did his job. A 'thank you' from a parent and a nod from his officer is all that could be expected.

2. From a post of yours about 11 hours ago, "im in it for the glory thrill and adventure in the calls i love being a volenteer firefighter" (My emphasis) Truly? Then I'm glad I'm not going to be working with you. Glory hounds are a danger on the fire ground.

3. And you still haven't learnt how to spell 'volunteer'?
It is priceless!!!!!
Jon just nailed it and as far as I'm concerned he drove it out of the park. Well said sir you have my full agreement!
Geez, and I always thought the best part about this job was the anonymity! We all dress the same and look the same so we're "the firefighters", there is no Johnny or Susie or Mac, it's simply "the firefighters" and I've always liked it that way. You don't volunteer for the recognition.. that goes for all volunteer work. It's about wanting to make the effort and do the work, not hoping someone sees you doing it.
It is hard to take someone seriously that does not take the time to spell, punctuate or space their comments.
Secondly, no one takes this job with the expectation of thanks, people already have an overblown picture of firefighters (heros). Some are some are not, some collect a paycheck some are dedicated to their craft. Who cares, I do the job because I like doing it. The helping people is not a very big factor, the excitement and challenge of the job are what brings me back. Get over what other people think, who gives a shit.
I guess I do not agree with you on the military hero thing. They do the job for the same reasons FF's do theirs. Excitment, steady paycheck, want to go overseas, need to feed the kids, college money. To most it is just a job or a means to an end. Patriotism and the next generation is the farthest thing from most soldiers minds. In battle some act heroicly, some do not. Some are good at their craft some are not. Some just want to do 4 years as a cook and go to college. So to me it is no more heroic than going to work at any job every day.

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