because we rnot full time thats why we just risk our lives the same as paid

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Professionalisim has nothing to do with a paycheck or accolades. If you meet the moral and ethical values of your chosen career then you will be considered a pro by those you seek recognition from. However, this has a price too. If you you are not willing to accept the responsibilties and challenges that are required then stick with the ameture mind set. In my opinion, If you are seeking glory or recognition for helping your community, there lies your mind set. It has nothing to do with career or volunteer. It has everthing to do with the mind set. The next time you see your community sanitatry worker coming down the street picking up your trash ask yourself this. "have I done anthying to recognize my garbage person". He/She may not risk thier life but they do perform a vital service. That is what we do SERVE.
"....offers their expertice to the citizens of our community free of charge, .....".
Not really free, their tax dollars are involved.
So you think because your volunteer you are not recognized or appriciated? And if you were paid it would be somehow be different? Gary, its isnt about whether your paid or Volunteer. Its about public perception.
If you are in this for praise then you are doing emergency work for the WRONG REASON!!! I don't care if you are on an all volunteer department, all paid department, or anything in between. Do the job, learn all you can, and try to make a difference in someones life by the end of your shift, or call. If you do that over time most people will give you the recognition you want. Remember what one firefighter told me when I got on. respect of you and your department takes time and one unprofessional event in the public eye can destroy years of that respect. That is my take on the public.

As far as fulltime paid firemen respecting volunteer firemen and agencies..... some will and some will never. If you do your job and continue to learn then that is there problem not yours. If you jump up and down and yell "why don't they like me" that is your fault.
Man vague threads should be deleted by the webchief....

Gary, are you saying that because you are a volunteer firefighter that you can't be recognized as being "on the job" We have had many threads with positive and negative discussions on this matter.

If you were serious you would have posted a more complete thought / opinion so we could address your concerns.
Ralph said, " I volunteer to HELP, plain and simple. I could give a shit if I get recognized for doing it. Those "thank you`s" you get after a call mean everything to me.

If you are doing this because you need recognition, you might be better served getting a puppy. Sorry to be harsh, but geeze, Barney doesn`t love everyone.

Years ago I was interviewed for a feature article about volunteering and during the interview I was asked a question along the lines of, "Although you see a lot of carnage at car accidents, is there any highlights that jump out to you?"

I told the journo about a particular MVA where the big Greek mum ran up to us as soon as we extricated her daughter and in the middle of the scene, in tears was giving us these big hugs, and thankyou's. It was at the time a fun moment for us, and special as well.

Anyway, the article came out and it said, "I like going to car accidents because I get hugs at the end of them...."
I have to agree with all of the post herer so far. People become firefighters and EMT's whether paid, call, auxillary, volunteer whatever the case maybe, to help the people of their community and because it is something they love to do. Not to be patted on the back or given awards for what we do, its out job.

And I will also add to go along with FETC your post is very vague and might I add your fellow firefighters have taken their time to post to your discussion and looking through I have not yet seen a single post from you.

If you have an issue follow it through dont just start a discussion and not answer because you dont like the answers your getting.
The only differance between a volunteer and a paid firefighter! Is they do it for a living and we are volunteer. We do just as much training if not the same. When we are at family events, holidays, mild of the night,snow,hanging with friends, family, driving around, or anything else you can think you might be doing. What happens when the call goes out. We stop what were are doing and respond. Were I am from (Iowa) volunteers out number paid firefighters by far. Don't get me wrong I have friends that are Paid firefighter,but I prefer to do it volunteerly for my full time job pays me very well. But we should be reconized for the job we preform and do very well just as PAID firefighters do. We are all one of the same. VOLUNTEER OR PAID.
Of course, you can choose NOT to go just as well. Something paid firefighters don't have the option of doing. And of course, if you're doing the "same" job as paid, what's their recognition? Or are only volunteers entitled to that?
Anyone else think this is just a baited topic to get an argument going???

I've seen these numerous times before, a topic geared just to start a fight. The OP makes one post, doesn't even bother commenting on his own thread, just a drive by poster. Obviously the OP can't be too serious, given the lack of comprhension of spelling, seems this is just some kid looking to get some cheap thrills by reading such comments.
And of course, if you're doing the "same" job as paid, what's their recognition?

That over the top wage they get paid and the pillow they get issued with their uniform???? (I'll just duck down now and watch the brown stuff fly across the room!!!!)
Derek, I am so stealing that quote! I've been looking for that quote since the day I started.

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