Brothers & Sisters,

I'm in need of "Sample" SOG's. I need to make some for a 15 member vol. dept., running an engine & air unit. I'd hate to reinvent the wheel on this. Any help would be appreciated.



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Give me your e-mail and I will give all the SOG's that I can. remember when developing policies and procedures at any level it is important not to only keep up with federal, state, & local guidlines but to manage them and incoporate them into your fire/rescue situation at your department. If you have a station of only 15 which I can relate with my old fire station that I was the Chief of had a limited membership due to the small area, your SOG's should cover everything but not limit anyone to specific duties. ** Keep in mind that SOG's only work if they are strictly enforced**
we have ours as a pdf file, email me and I will send it out. When we redid ours a couple of years ago, we borrowed from several departments. Ours is probably way more than you will need, but you should be able to pick and choose. Get several and see what can apply to your situation.
We're working on implementing SOGs for a slightly larger volunteer department. I'd appreciate if you'd message me if you can share them with us as well.


My email is Thanks!
The general orders for the Prince George's County Fire Department can be found on for plenty of ideas and copying.

Phil Clinard
Laurel VFD
Prince George's County Co. 10
Laurel, MD

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