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Ohhh...a mystery.
Take one by mouth with favorite beverage every 2 hours as needed for the Tachies.


For an apparently educated individual, you obviously missed the point there. Over your head I guess? That's what I thought. You have offered us nothing constructive here. You are more of an embarassment than the shirt that started the conversation. People like you ruin the potential of sites like this. You should definitely be proud that you can identify spelling errors with a BS degree in Bio. I think that you should get your money back from whatever university was responsible for your education.

Lastly, I do not need you to validate my vocabulary, spelling, typos, missed key strokes, or mistakenly misspelled words. A truly educated person understands that everyone makes mistakes. Obviously you have disqualified yourself from this category. You can edit my Master's thesis whenever you are ready, you internet coward. me a post where you actually demonstrated some fire knowledge. If they exist, I stand corrected. If not, try shutting up and learning something.

If I was the only who has bitched about you, I would think it was just my temper...but you and ANYBODY who does not see you as a hinderance to the purpose of this website is an idiot and I have NO TIME FOR YOU....and I guess that most here feel the same...
A master's in education, hardly ground breaking studies. Did you find a new way to spell dog?

Your arrogance and overbearing attitude begs the question, who died and left you in charge? Or have you decided unilaterally that you are the end-all-be-all of this site?

Having black turnout gear and living in jersey does not a fireman make. Leave the attitude to the people that actually do the job, not a hobbyist such as yourself.

I am truly educated and my university degree is valid and was money well spent (not mine, the taxpayers, I got my education free as a vet. Oh...are you a vet?)

Normally I don't point out peoples typos or spelling mistakes unless an individual has gotten obnoxious, then I do for shits and giggles.

I have neither reason nor need to justify myself to you. Track down my discussions. Oh and one hint, I tend to more enjoy these general discussions. Each department has their own preferred methods and SOP's.

Besides yourself, there are few others that seem to take affront with opinions. I guess you could consider yourself to be in fine company. Or perhaps not.

You may not have noticed but all's I've done was express my opinion on the shirt in question. That others disagreed is no bother. Until someone decides to take personal pot shots, then I might get a little acidic in my replies. You stand as a clear and fine example of someone who decided to take the personal attack route. It really just goes to show how jersey you really are. Mores the pity because jersey really is a pretty state and I have some really great friends from there. I won't hold you against them.

I challenge your penultimate statement as it appears you do indeed have time.
Do most feel the same? Oh hoo. LOL what is that supposed to make me feel badly or something? Round up the Jack/dt haters and bring em on spanky. I have big shoulders, I can deal it.

P.s. have a great and safe holiday weekend. Tell Snooky hey!
I know someone that could use the suppository form, do they make one?
Bringing significant others to the haal just starts drama...especially when the girlfriends start becoming convinced they are a firefighter too. had one mouth off to me once.

There's no mystery here. EVERYBODY knows he's talking about you. But the way I have it figured, you could be his dad for all anyone knows. (You're not, are you?)
This is what seperates firefighters from from FIREMEN, firemen have the t-shirts, the light bars, and all the bells and whistles. What they don't have the credible features to even have a conversation with firefighters. Respect the business and the profrssionalisim that we have all worked so hard to maintain. are an exception I am sure. Yeah...that is totally different.

There's no "maybe" about it - you're new to this forum. You're new to the fire service, and, unless you have the mother of all baby-faces, you're new to life.

I've participated in any number of discussions on FFN, the vast majority of which are decidedly non-firematic. But the remainder, I think, would probably fit your definition of worthwhile discussions. (By the way, you seem to be devoting a considerable amount of your time on THIS non-firematic discussion. Has the apparent contradiction escaped you?)

I'll make a conscious effort to increase my proportion of firematic to non-firematic discussions. I'll also try to curb my unnatural tendencies with regard to my "girlfriend", Jack. Besides, I think I might just make you my new girlfriend.
Kali...with his atrocious spelling, we can be sure that the subject he teaches isn't English.... (insert the laughing, sarcastic eye rolling emoticon here...)
Okay.. please tell us you vast experience as a firefighter...

The purpose of this website?

Please.. when 14 and 15 year olds try to pose as firefighters and "give advice"... when there are those who attempt to validate having children respond from school to fight fires.. and keep asking inane questions like "what kind of blue lights should I buy" and "what do you have in your pockets" instead of reading and commenting on the article/scenarios written by Chris Naum ( by the way.. I do not believe I have ever seen you post on his threads).. one can take this website seriously.

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