Who has more stress on the job?
A firefighter or a cop?
What can you do about it?
You know that STRESS KILLS!

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The youngest heart attack LODD last year was 24 years old and happened while working out.
See; this is where I wish more is given on the death. Genetic? Viral? Recent physical didn't find anything? More needs to be done there.
You are also correct about HCN. Check out www.firesmoke.org. They are dedicated to looking at the nasty by-products of smoke/fire and especially HCN.
I come from a law enforcement backround and I must say that the stress levels from both jobs are about the same. However, it is a different type of stress. As a cop you have a long day of "being on alert" as you go from call to call and deal with a lot of angry people. Then you factor in how many times you are on your own waiting on help to get there. Something that is so very rare in the Fire Service. It puts a lot of sress on a person.

On the other hand when the tones go off in the middle of the night and its time to go to work, that puts a lot off stress on you.There are more physical demands placed on fire fighters. The physical stress is off the charts and most police officers do not have these demands. Some SWAT guys might know about heavy gear and swinging an axe and going all out for a long duration of time.But they do not have to do it often.

The difference in shift time has a lot to do with it as well. 24 on is a long time to be away from home and family. From a cops stand point you have a 8-12 hr shift then court, and if you work on nights you may not get any sleep while you are at court the next day. So, you never realy know when your "shift" may be over.

I love both jobs and both help a lot of people. After all that is what it's all about.
check the book titled CopShock second edition by Allen R. Kates. He tells it from both sides....released in 2008
It talks about law and fire ptsd wounding in plain easy to read and understand language.
Had a funny discussion with a cop one night. He said, "I would never go into a burning building." I said, "I would never want to face a man with a gun." He said, "I can predict what the man will do with the gun." To that I said, "And you don't think I can predict what the fire's gonna do??????"
The cops have got to be more stressed out with all the crazies they encounter all day long.
Who has stress Chief? That's something that other people complain about.
yep, agreed
See police are armed we are not.... They have the weapons to defend them self if needed from a guys hyped up on drugs and we do not. In a way we we have tools to protect our self's but you can not wrestle a burning burning building to the ground and put it in cuffs to stop the fight. I think we have the same amount in the end because you can go back and forth all day about the differences. Treat each other with mutual respect that is how to do it. Yet as the saying goes.... "If you can't take the heat, become a cop"

Just kidding calm down lol
i believe the stress is equal,my dad and myself are both volunteer firefighters,and my stepdad is a leutinant with a sheriffs department in north carolina.being a firefighter and doing ride-a-longs with my stepdad has shown me both sides.even though some cops are gung ho about everything they still can keep their head just as good as we firefighters can,and they deal with just as much stress as we do.if not more.
i believe the stress is equal....................they deal with just as much stress as we do.if not more

So which is it then, equal or more?
Neither...it is their families that wait at home wondering and waiting......think about it next time you haul ass out the door.........
Stress is defined as ....."The uncontrollable urge to choke the living shit out of someone that desperately deserves it." Paul
Greetings brothers, I'd like to add my two cents to this discussion and I feel I am qualified to make comment in this matter. I am fortunate to live on both sides of the tracks, I am a cop with 34 years on the job and also a fire fighter (Chief) with 42 years of service. We all have stress in our jobs, both fire and law enforcement and we have a ton of it, more than any normal citizen will never experience in their lifetime. Doing the things we do daily does weird things to us physically and mentally. How people handle the stress or its effects depends on the individual and how they cope with it. For me, a day without stress is probley something I will never know. The most important thing we must remember is that no matter what badge we have on our shirts, we got to stick together and take care of each other because in reality for the most part, people do not worry about us until they really need us and after the incident is over their caring is pretty short lived. Take care, be safe and good luck.

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