Oh poor Arizona. They have been having one heck of a year. They close down the state fire program. It looks like they are creating a plan though to put something in place. Now they are dealing with this illegal immigration issue.

I am just curious about what are brothers and sisters in this service think and feel about this? I have read the law and it is pretty clear to me. Hey what do I know, I'm not attorney but I have stayed in quite a few Holiday Inns.

So brothers and sisters in AZ, what kind of impact do you think this will bring to your state. I am just tossing this out there for some of the admin peeps, with all this "ban Arizona" BS going on do you think the Federal Government is going to hop on board and start pulling and stopping federal dollars to you and your agencies? (i.e. SAFER,AFG, and other grant programs.)

I just want to toss this out there to ponder on. We have been taught for so many years that the Civil War was the war that ended slavery. This is very true, and am greatful that slavery was abolished. BUT, the big picture of the Civil War was about states rights. Was this the turning point? Was this where federal government earned the "right" to trump the state. Now I know the 14th Amendment and it was written post Civil War. But what are the feelings of the people that live and serve in beautiful Arizona?

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Here lies the problem and just one example why AZ did what it did... students in Los Angeles numbering between 800 and 1000 marched from two high schools to a third one in Montebello, CA. What these students did was unforgivable... This pro Mexico culture and anti-US sentiment has reached it's boiling point, and folks are getting really upset as these types of incidents increase... and on a personal note, if folks don't like living here in the US, they can certainly head south... but wait! Mexico does not have the same liberal immigration rules and regulations we do... now what?

I don't understand what AZ's problem is. It appears to me that a majority of the illegals are just passing through AZ on their way to Georgia!!!
I'm with ya bro. But if we succeed in restricting the flow of illegals who will pour the concrete and repair our roofs?!?!?!
You mean who will do the jobs that whites americans don't want to do?
Arizona sure has some nerve doing for itself what the federal government won't do for it.
To me it's not just the illegals from Mexico, it's illegals from everywhere. We have a lot of people from all over the world who overstay visa's for years and when caught, most of time, released on their own "promise to appear in court". Most don't. I've seen, driving a truck over the road for many years, Russians in NYS who aren't in the country legally working the docks. They look quite a bit like me. And it irks me to no end for hispanics to say that I'm racist. I'm not I hate all illegals no matter where they are from. It's that simple.
I have no problem with anyone from any country wanting to come here for a better life. I do feel strongly though if they want to live here with us, they should follow the same rules as us. They should have to obey our laws, speak our language & pay our taxes. Everything we have to do as U.S. citizens under penalty of law & beyond, they should have to do the same & be held to same standards before they are even allowed on our soil. Even the one's who come here on vacation should be monitored & tracked for the duration of there stay. Further more, the one's who are here illegally should have no right to protest anything & when/if they are caught they should be shipped back home with some way of perminatly tracking them. When I went on a cruise to Mexico I had to have a passport on me at all times, filled out enough paperwork to supply an entire forrest & was threatned with felony charges if I broke any rules just for a five day vacation.
Even though congress determines the naturalization process, there is no constitutional authority for congress to control immigration. Congress dealing with immigration issues has been inferred from its power to determine naturalization.

Yes, illegal aliens are here from all over the globe. But a litle perspective may be in order: About 80% are from Latin American countries - nearly 60% from Mexico alone.
And that makes a difference how? I don't care where they are from if they are here illegally they should go, period. And I don't mean put them in prison here for a while then send them off, back to their home country. I understand political asylum but that's different and it's a legal means to stay here. Does it get abused? Sure it does but at least they are in a system and did have to do some work to be here. Not like the illegals who yes will do work here but don't pay income taxes, yes they do pay sales taxes but does that really count as paying taxes when it's not the income tax or any social security taxes. Why can't we do anything substantive to seal our borders? Why do we have people putting water in the desert for people coming here illegally and not being punished for doing so? It's a crime to be here illegally, from any country. So send people back who are here illegally, no matter where they are from. Period.
It makes a difference because in order to "do anything substantive to seal our borders", we should know which borders to concentrate on. If 60% of the problem involves one border, that makes a difference.

There should be no illegals here at all, but an 80% - or even 60% - solution to the problem is a helluva start.

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