Should a fire department use unmarked fire vehicles verses identified vehicles?

Recent FFN discussion revealed that in some jurisdictions, some fire department vehicles are intentionally, and often times at great expense, disguised to look like an everyday ordinary Joe Citizen vehicle. 

  1. Is being "low-key" of value to the fire service? 
  2. Should we choose generic colored vehicles to blend in with hidden lights and sirens like the law enforcement detectives? 
  3. Or, should we use identified vehicles that have conspicuous markings identifying the vehicle as being a part of the fire department? 
  4. What does your department do?

This takes stealth to new levels... taxi-police car...

This is out-of-the-box thinking I suppose...

There's always the good ol' Ford Crown Vic...

Is it really that "stealth"?

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Here is our Chiefs Car. We are 100% volunteer and this vehicle is kept at his residence. It is used only for official FD business.

Our utility vehicles are also clearly marked.

There is no reason for "undercover". This just causes the public to be suspicious.

Also begin marked gives the vehicle a visible presence both on scene and off.
Being seen around town on business and such also shows to the public that we ARE THERE for them 24/7.

Just my 2 cents.
Why would we even want to...? This has to be the dumbest thing that I have ever heard....Question...How would you "hide" an engine or a tanker....? Make it look like an Army tank...? have surpassed even my thinking for dumb posts......LOL Paul
I would say that given the amount of collisions that fire trucks are involved in now with all the lights and sirens blarin that if a truck were to go incognito of sorts that the rates of collisions would rise significantly.Everyone (well almost) on the planet looks for a red fire truck or an ambulance when they hear a siren if it were unmarked chances are the brain wouldn't register it till it was to late.Like previous people have said when responding to a call these trucks need to stick out so it even has periferials catching them coming up the road sirens don't always do it because some people have stereos in there cars that would put bars to shame and they tend to use every decibal of them so the brite colors and lights from front to back lite up like a football stadium wouldn't bother me a bit.
I don't understand the whole object of wnting to be "unmarked" unless your doing something wrong all the time and wouldn't want the public to know who to call to complain to.Beyond my comprehention but from reading I guess it happens and like mentioned it boils down to the all mighty buck,White is cheaper than red I guess but they didn't factor in red is cheaper than replacing a truck when it get smacked up because someone didn't see it!!!
That taxi cab picture is hilarious damn near pissed my pants!
The only vehicles in our fleet that are not marked are the Chief's and Deputy Chief's vehicles. That's 3 SUV's which each have a visible lightbar on the top and rear lights as well. While it may be nice to have something saying "Chief" or "Command" or whatever, once that you get on scene and are doing your job, people will know who you are. I would imagine that alot of places use this method as a cost saving item as well, the cost to paint or letter a vehicle can be very expensive.
you never know... one must alway be prepared!
My volunteer fire company just bought our chief another car and he fought to have a umarked car with undercover lights which he now has. There is talk of buying another vehicle which will be a pickup truck for the Assit Chief which may also be unmarked with undercover lights. We may get a cap for it and have it lettered but thats a wait and see right now.
There was talk of getting magnetic signs for the vehicles when driven to the station to be on duty but I would guess they will stay in the trunk.
Hmmmm....I guess you want to sneak up on the fire and catch it unaware of your presence......Is it easier to put out that way...?
yep goota come in stealth for sure
10 - 4 if they can't see ya they are going to do something stupid in front of ya!!!!
No, I do not think for any reason the fire service should go to unmarked vehicles. That just would make things a lot more Dangerous for fire personnel not to mention the people we are protecting, we always want to be seen. We already resemble law enforcement too much. Most people, given the right situation will greet firefighters with open arms. But say you pull up on scene that was first determined safe by your department SOP’s. You still do not want the chance of being mistaken for law enforcement because the scene could turn as fast as a fire. May be firefighters should carry a side arm to…well that may not be a bad idea!
Not sure about that one Randy....I can be plenty obnoxious...just ask anyone.....LOL

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