i think volunteers bec they try to put more effort into and more time

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Yes Thomas, but really its the sour apples that are the most vocal an stir the bio-solids. Reality, we ARE ALL doing this together no matter who or what we represent. Unfortunately there is a small few who really feel an speak in a negative manner this way.
mate, you may want to learn to use punctuation.
hey jeremy i love being a vol.

How could you not love them, they're soooooo cute.
4 hours later.....still at that damn light bulb....won't give it up....

I thought the title of blonde canines went to the Cocker Spaniel, or at least my grandmothers was sure hard to convince me otherwise.
Reply by Jeremy Douglas Fultz on May 8, 2010 at 1:50pm
If your doing it for the money your in the wrong career field.

Reply by WestPhilly on May 8, 2010 at 5:02pm
"If your(sic) doing it for the money your(sic) in the wrong career field." One year on the job, 18 years old, and telling grown folks they're in the wrong job if they're in it for the money.

Reply by Jeremy Douglas Fultz on May 8, 2010 at 10:42pm
Yeah that's what I said...Do you have a probem with it?

Reply by WestPhilly 1 day ago


At the risk of wasting my time answering a stupid question, yes, I have a problem with it.

I'm in my 21st year of doing it for the money. I have underwear with more time on the job than you. I know why I do what I do, and you can be sure I'd be doing something else the minute they stopped paying me to do it. But as long as they are paying me, I'll be happy to go on another run, just like the - with no exaggeration - thousands I've done already. I'll be happy to put out another fire, just like the hundreds I've done already. There's no counting the number of people I've helped or the different ways in which I've done it.

When you grow up (I'm giving you a huge benefit of the doubt here) and become a fireman in more than just a name only, you might realize just how incredibly ignorant it is for someone with you're level of experience (basically none) to try to tell someone like me he's in the wrong career field.
Just wanted to put what's above in a logical sequence. (That make sense?)
And Jeremy's response is.............

This entire thread is hilarious....
The original comment, the dogs, the don't do it for the money comment, the whole junior thing...

just hilarious...and sad!

Just for the sake of argument. To the person who said something to the effect of if you do it for money it is the wrong reason - Wherever you work, turn your paycheck back in to your employer the next time you get paid. If you don't (according to your statement) you are doing it for the wrong reason!

As for me, I do it because I love it AND I get paid for it! It is a great deal! I have no problem with volunteering. I know all kinds of people who are volunteer firefighters that do all kinds of things to make a living.

Like I said to someone on a recent broadcast of Firefighter Netcast... I love debating! I love the whole vollie/paid discussion because no one ever gets the argument right. There are several arguments depending on peoples opinions...but most people make some stupid comment like "if you get paid then you are in it for the wrong reason"... it begs for people piling it on!

As for the guy who started this thread and the others who made somewhat "dumb" comments thereafter... listen to what these other guys are saying on here. It is fine to ask questions and seek advice, but we can see right through the fact that you are new to the fire service. We welcome you as long as you know your place!
To Jeremy's credit, at least he's gone off the air. (Not quite the same as admitting he was wrong, but that's OK).


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