We have all been to numerous car accidents and most of them while unique in their own rights are still pretty standard as far as tactics go.  Scene saftey, stabilize vehicle, access patient(s), extrication or remove.


I came across this picture and have been thinking about how we would approach this situation.  Not something you see everyday . . . heck I'm not even sure how they got in this predicament.


But lets use our imagination, training, experience and knowledge and see how we would approach this scene and deal with the complications it presents.


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ARE YOU CRAZY !!! using the tower to stablize the car. The ladder is not designed for this stuff. And putting anyone in the car or even near the car is nuts. This is a learning photo PLEASE learn from it and read the other comments.
Try to remember the lower the line the less the voltage. the lines holding the car could be just phone and cable tv, that dosen't mean go for it .The car still has to be lowered to make a rescue thier are to many things that could go wrong. Still call all the utilities and get your cranes to lower the cart then do the medical thing. JUST try to remember that as long as normal people are out thier we will always have a job.
i would have dispatch contact who ever supplies your power and tell them screw it dump the power then i would try to ge that car as stable as you can by using struts but the thing that is hard is keeping the patient stabelized idk maybe have tow truck hook up to it and some how keep it stabelized and slowly lower it down but with the wires it would be very difficult because if you cut those the car comes crashign down and what soem people said have ladders up to the car and stablize the patient get a ladder truck or something and start cutting the patient out of the car carefully and get him/her backboarded its a tough situation

From a Volunteers stand point I would have 1 Engine, Medium Rescue, a Ladder Paged from neighboring mutual aid department. a Medical Helocopter coming, and one forgotten tool (until auto ex training comes around) the local towing company we train with regularly. I would start by calling power company to have it shut off. Then i would my engine crew pack up with a charged line just incase. I would then use the heavy rotating wrecker from our local company and the ladder to rig and stabalize the car. Then use the ladder company to get the rescue crew to the patients. After patients have been treated and removed i would release everyone but the engine crew till the car was removed and power took control of scene.

Some drunk D.A.D. = D.umb A.ss D.river ???

They just can't help it... those dang poles and wires just jumped right out in front of the car... what were they to do... ???

start filming!
get utility co to kill power and bring a bucket truck.
get a crane truck in route.
get every pillow in the county and stack them around the vehical.
tell all inside vehical to keep seatbelts on.
call all my buddies to come look.
start a pool on what side the vehical will land on when the lines give.
hire non-union beavers to chew down the polls.
slap the driver after getting them free from vehical
upload whole event to youtube.
p.s. shouldnt that guy b standing 1.5 times the lenght of the vehical away?
ill just park......here.....

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