I'm 43 yrs old, overweight and out of shape. The fire dept. that I am an exploer post associate adviser for has asked me to join. They say I would be a great addision to the dept. With my 21 yrs as a truck driver with tanker endorsment I would be the ideal person for a tanker driver. It's something I have always wanted, but I'm not sure  what to do considering my age and shape.

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"You have to be able to rescue your fellow firefighters and be ready for most anything. 43, overweight and out of shape sure isnt a great way to start. You have to ask yourself would you be a assett or liability. I am sure your a great person, but until you get your phsycial shape up to par I would be hesitant. Actually 43 isn't what would consern me, it was your statement your out of shape." isnt to nice to me i would be feeling down about myself if this was told to me...now dont get me wrong i dont even know the slightest thing about htis person and i am sure that he is an awsome ass person he sounds like a wonderful person and there is no need to put him "down like above" that is wrong..obviously he wants to do this and is unsure about it now lets give him support here he needs none of this " well thats a bad way to start out" my buttt its the best thing to do if he knows he can do it which i am sure he can that by all means GO FOR IT BROTHER YOU MATTER!!!!!..also in this stament it also applies that he may be a lieablility yea ok i dont think so!!!!
so you are saying that a tamker would arrive on scene first umm not where i come from thats what engin boys like myself are for..last i knew when you are driving a tanker you dont wear SCBA and you dont go RIT and you dont do interior in fact you dont fight the fire from ground..and that is great that you are still fighting like you are now but not everyone is first due in material and so be it someones gotta drive the big rig!

I'm beginning to get the feeling we can't have a discussion.
i am not angry i am not trying to be mean but what some peopl say is just uncalled for better yet just rude i commented him with great posture and i will not have him be put down due to weight thats not right man..not meaning to arugue or be an ass
ED, you are as old as you feel. I applaud you for the effort. If you need to get in shape then get at it. But do it for you and your family. As to the Department go for it. You are not too old to do that. Investing yourself into your community is a great thing. I am sure they can use your time and abilities.

Advising someone (who is actually asking for advice, and who wants to be a firefighter, and who has doubts about his own physical condition) to get in shape, is not being rude, is not uncalled for, and is not putting him to shame. He might actually take the advice and become more healthy. Whether or not he becomes a firefighter, he still comes out ahead.
A-Men brother
Ed, I was almost 40 when I joined our volunteer dept. That was a little over 8 yeats ago and I love it and have no regrets. If you want to go for it, go for it. You will never know until you try.
You should join, but if you do, use the opportunity to loose some weight and get back in shape, not just for your dept, but for yourself. You had asked earlier what kind of exercise regimen would be good for your getting back in shape and I really suggest VERY high repetition/low weight workouts to start with. As far as eating, stay low on carbs, and VERY high on proteins, drink at least 3 quarts of water a day, and you must remember that you can never have enough vitamin C.
"You should join, but if you do, use the opportunity to loose some weight and get back in shape,"
"Well how young does your heart feel? "
"...and if you have to help on ff down that 15mins of epi rush will help you do what you have to do."
"then you have to decide if your will to get in shape "
"you and anyone else can always do good no matter age nor size"
"there is no reason whatsoever to turn anyone around and tell them no you canno volunteer "

When did a volunteer fire department become a Health Club? You join and THEN get into shape?
For all of the comments just listed, yes the fire does discriminate between volunteer and paid. Sorry, it does recognize fat and out of shape.
if you want to drive do it...if you want to be a firefighter be a firefighter...
I was 52 when I first joined, being on the dept. dive team, then on to MFR and FF2 and some IC training. I love it and go inside to fight fire, your help is were your heart is. Go for it and get in shape. I am real sure that your age comes with lots of common sence, and thats what fire depts run on. You won't regret joining and some of the best friends you will have. Its a family! I am real proud of my Dept. (Edenville)

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