One thing I've learned bein a firefighter emt that people are crazy and you'll never know how they'll react till they do. But a cigar cutter really?!?!?
they allow razors cuz they feel people are just toooo hairy and want people to shave and since they don't usually get close enough to sniff people's breath, they really don't give a rat's (_!_) about how clean their teeth are, therefore no need to bring that stuff on. In addition, since many people don't even have teeth, but rather dentures, (and in Canada, some only have one TOOTH, hense the term TOOTH PASTE) and everyone knows that Teethpaste is not used on dentures, there is yet another good enough reason to tuck the stuff underneath. Ok ok.. well my answer makes about as much sense as THEIR reasoning doesn't it?
without a razor you would get stubble and 5 oclock shadow and thus stand out as a potential person of interest. Especially if you also failed to brush your hair. Bad breath, on the other hand, apparently does not matter.... although I'd rather sit next to someone on a plane with stubble and good breath..... you work in government long enough, these things just make sense :)
Less than 4 oz. it can fly. Mixing multiple chemicals together to create a chemical bomb is the concern. Any bomb on a plane is a concern, as it puts the holder in control again. Now as for razors, disposable razors for shaving... not so much. Take a disposable razor apart, and you don't have much of a razor at all. Razor blades on the other hand for a box cutter, that is on the no fly list.
So your disposable razor is not going to take a plane down today. The airlines were mandated to beef up their cockpit doors (fortified) and now have policies on NOT opening the cockpit door once the aircraft has pushed back from the gate, post 9-11.