Yesterday while on duty i ran a call on a 11 year old girl that had hung herself from a tree. Did everything i could to try and revive her but she was in the tree to long. What upset me the most was i cant understand why a 11 year old would want to do something like that. No to mention that i could not save her.i have never had a call affect me, and i have run on some really bad ones, but that one did. Would appericiate if you guys could say a prayer for the girl and her family.

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I think it is important to note how many responses you have recieved in regards to your post. You are not alone feeling this way. Sometimes a tough job to try and keep from affecting you personally. Over time it gets increasingly more difficult to let the bad ones not get to you unless you talk with your co-workers or as suggested a CISD when you need it. Take Care...we are all feeling your pain.
I'll be praying for them as well as for you.
You got it Brother prayer coming your way an to the girl an her family
Blake, Unfortionally we get calls like this, I am not going to sugar coat, its tought on all involved there is not a "tough it up" every Fire responder has felt the same way. We just lost a 8 year old boy to fire, its not easy. Please stay in the service as we need people like you to help. Good luck, talk to somebody close to you (brother firefighter, or other) and that should help you. My thoughs are with you and all others in the same boat.

how about we say a prayer for you also
I have said a prayer for her and her family, and also one for you to help you through the healing process. I had my first heart attack victim die on me a few nights back, and it bothered me. I sat down with my assistant chief and a few of the guys the next morning and they helped me to realise, we are not superhuman, we are just humans trying to do superhuman feates. Again you are in my prayers and hope you are doing ok.
Blake...I will keep both the girl, her family and friends in my prayers. Along with you and your fellow brothers that attended the call. These calls are not easy to deal with no matter if their your first or 300th one, or if the patient passes well your trying to do whatever you can to save them or days or weeks later in the hospital. No matter when or where it happens you've had that connection with that person, that will forever change you.

I had to deal with a patient of mine dying just two weeks after getting my EMT-B certification last December. She was alive when we got to her but ended up passing two days later in the hospital due to a very bad infection. To make matters worse she was also a memeber of our auxiluary who I had met on several occasions. These things suxx wither you know the pt your taking care of or not.

I will always rememeber getting the phone call that she died from a fellow firefighter in our department, she was great friends with the pt I had taken care of. And knew that I had been on the scene of that particular call. As soon as I got off the phone with her I sat at my desk for 20 mins crying my eyes out (well my coworkers watched, till this day I don't think they unterstand what I do outside of the office for the community that I live in, but thats a whole differnt story.) I kept wishing and thinking that maybe just maybe their was something more I could have done for her, but knowing what she needed was far beyound my ability.

Learn and grow from what happened to this poor young girl, you tried to save but unfortunitly wasn't ment to be. You can always help educate your community on what to look for with someone who could be suicidal. Use what happened to maybe save another life using another way besides your life saving skills that you have as a firefighter.

brother blake i will keep you in my prayers, but i have experienced the same call and all i can say too you is it might be a good thing you were not able to revive, think about the mounting nursing home bills for the fam, a child in a veg state forever a possible divorce maybe another suicide by a grieving parent, you did your job to the best of your ability we cant fix all the worlds problems that child needed intervention alot eariler befor you got on scene remember all children go to heaven i'am sorry for the loss of the girl i'am sorry we are put in those calls but remember it;s a cruel world out there stay safe brother sometimes i think i've been in it to long myself we all have seen hinky shit

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