heres a pic for everyone to give me there thoughts on it.i have been tring to talk safety to this kid but he doesnt seem to listen.i think that its poor judgemenet plus the kid is a jr firefighter and i dont agree with him on the hoseline

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i couldn't agree more on the suspension of the fire fighter in question.not sure where any line officers let alone chiefs were during this call
I was gonna lead-off with the "Youse volliies.....", but I was pretty sure I probably mentioned that before. And this really does crack me up. (Even if it shouldn't).
Oh the urge to play fireman! I gotta wonder why he was "backing" the firefighter in the first place. Small line, the water's barely even flowing at this point, and the fire is beyond the control of the line in use. Other than that...

Oh, ya mean the kid! Yeah, that's pretty irresponsible aint it?
Chief i understand that it maybe not the right place to post something here.but i am tring to get other ppls input on this pic
It never gets old WP.

There's nothing that can be said that is going to change the way the department in question operates. Of course it's probably a given that someone there is going to get hurt -or worse- but until then (and quite likely in spite of it) they will continue to operate in a manner that seems appropriate to them.

What's that saying, "If you think education (training, NFPA standards, etc) is expensive, try stupid."
Why is anyone without gear allowed to catch a truck? Call me what you want but I think this kid is an accident (arsonist) waiting to happen! He shouldnt be allowed near flame of any kind
Ok Ive seen it all now I am a paid vollie and we are not allowed to go to the call via pov, less told. We have a few that do go to the call if close to it (meaning drive by it). They do a size up and check in, If we feel we need more equipment we tell them to head to the station other wise we bring there gear to them. Plus no one operates without proper gear, and we dont have jrs yet, and Im sure would not be on a call less to observe and learn. Man what was this kid thinken as well as the officers, where was there brains?
Ok...I'm going way out on this one, but....think there might be a chance this is photo-shopped? Just don't look right to me. Seems too messed up to be real. At least I would like to believe that it's not real.
Am I really naive to think that nobody would be that dumb as to not mention that one does not participate in fireground activity without the proper ppe. If they have a hose, there must be a pumper. If there's a pumper, there must be a driver. If there's a driver, that person must have some sense of responsibility. And whoever took the pic (if it's real) is a dumbass.
I's not setting well with me.
its def not was taking by a guy who takes fire photos alot in my area.the fire fighter in question seems to think that its ok to do so
There's no cure for that!
I applaud Kevin for bringing this to our discussion. I can only hope those who allowed this kid on the fireground see our comments and change their ways. Not likely, though. Like many have said: Stupid eventually pays the highest price.
naw..i understand he wants to help and everything i was the same way when i was a jr.firefighter..But our cheif didnt agree with that so i just helped at the truck and stuuf like that plus he didnt have on any gear at all...


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