I've been seeing some non firefighters join the Nation recently and was wondering what members thought of removing anyone who is not currently, never has been or is not trying to enter the fire/EMS service from being a part of the site?

I've left things fairly open until now, but want to be sure we stay focused on serving firefighters, EMS and Rescue personnel first and only!

Also any thoughts on restricting videos to be 'fire/EMS related' only, or should it be open to everyone's personal videos, etc. since that also is a big part of social networking?

I have no thought or plan to change photos...because it is a social network I think its important that photos be of both a personal and fire service nature, without too many limits unless its inappropriate. Same goes for blogs, although we may start separating fire/EMS specific blogs from personal ones on the home page.

Thanks for the feedback,

Web Chief

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It wouldn't break my heart, Chief.
Well the top of the page does say "Just for firefighters, EMS & Rescue" So I would have to vote yes. As for the blogs and photos either way is OK
Just a thought,

How are you going to ensure what anyone says on here to be fact or fiction? With dynamic IP's and going from computer to computer you cant restrict a one time failure to "authenticate as a fire fighter/EMS person" if someone makes a profile. The only policing about it would be if someone says they are with a department and notices someone who is not.

Perhaps seperating certain AREAS would allow it, but you have spouses of Personell, significant others of Personell, children of... friends of... then you have those who are curious, want to meet/date one of us... etc...

Pandora's box has been opened, closing it is another problem. Not sure if you want to get into a matchmaker type site, but that would be a great site .... but for that you would have to have checks again as it were... but thats another tale...

As for the vid's, have a breakdown of Personal Non-Fire/EMS, Personal Fire/EMS, Station Fire/EMS type menu but at least catoregorize them to make them easier to find....

Unless you want to be flooded by paperwork (some of which may be forged) by having folks fax you on departmental letterhead that YES, this person is a member, and then yall checking up on it... I think the ONLY part of your above statement is history....

With all due respect, just my opinion

Hmmm, this is a tough one. I think that trying to police this would be more than a handful. I have had no problems with anyone on this site and really enjoy being here. There is alot of great conversation and topics for pretty much everyone, at any level, accessable by everyone willing to take the time to read up on it. This is a GOOD thing. I have had a couple conversations with people who are appreciative of the efforts of all emergency responders and just feel that by being here is their way to support us and say Thank You. I truely appreciate their support and thank them in return.
Tough One. Be Safe!
By all means, take out the garbage.
By that, I mean the pictures, the poems, the repetition, the relationship sob stories, the never will bes and the gawkers.
What will be left are the ones who came here to teach, learn and relate stories of fire and EMS.
Policing won't be tough. Pretenders are pretty easy to spot.
I whole-heartedly support making this site a true "members only".

Probably what we'll do is separate some of the types of content as we go, as much as the platform allows as it grows. Some of the pictures, poems, etc. are the hallmarks of what people are used to on a social network -- and what gets them coming here and posting here instead of (or in most cases in addition to) going to MySpace, Facebook, etc.

Probably what I'll be doing very soon is encouraging alot more 'professional blogs' and only those ... not the personal ones ... will be featured on the home page. Although some of the personal ones are also the ones that get the most response.
Ditto to what Art said.
I think its going to be hard to seperate the two myself. But for myself I have a myspace seldom used, that i consider my personel place. The ones that want to get on here and talk shop will, the ones that want to socialize will no matter what you do. The fire/ems personal blogs are fine with me, some I have read and enjoyed. I consider that a outlet that a lot of only might understand. I have been "netting" since the old BBS days and this has been one of the first that I have really felt like inter acting with. You are doing a great job here. Make a seperate area for blogs that might not be related and see how that works. This will probably be an ever evolving situation. But I find its a great site.
Being able to seperate the Trash from the great content will add a lot of time and more energy on your plate chief. Your going to moderate the membership, moderate the video's, moderate the blogs. Seems like a tall task, but I am all for removing the dead wood. I love watching the video's a lot, the only issue I have with the video's is the REPETITION of some video's. How many folks can add a video before it is too many. Nothing worse than someone with -0- years in the fire service and all they want to do is sell you something or find their "soul mate"
Kudo's to you for doing this. It will make the nation stronger in the end.
Wouldn't break my heart either, Cheif !!!!!
i wouldnt miss them but its either way.. but it does say network JUST for firefighters, ems, and rescue..
butr its true it could be hard to figure out who's who
GREAT idea... I think if they are family... mother, daughter, sister, brother, son, father or spouse they should be good. All others can go. Not to be arrogant but there are other networks out there and you need to pick your niche. This is mine. My $.02... Mike


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