I've been seeing some non firefighters join the Nation recently and was wondering what members thought of removing anyone who is not currently, never has been or is not trying to enter the fire/EMS service from being a part of the site?

I've left things fairly open until now, but want to be sure we stay focused on serving firefighters, EMS and Rescue personnel first and only!

Also any thoughts on restricting videos to be 'fire/EMS related' only, or should it be open to everyone's personal videos, etc. since that also is a big part of social networking?

I have no thought or plan to change photos...because it is a social network I think its important that photos be of both a personal and fire service nature, without too many limits unless its inappropriate. Same goes for blogs, although we may start separating fire/EMS specific blogs from personal ones on the home page.

Thanks for the feedback,

Web Chief

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I am a civilian, I have even been thinking about taking Fire Science to become a firefighter partly because of this site, I have gotten more of a feeling of what is required. I have gotten valuable information and even spirtual guidance from fire personnel on this site. I stated in my profile the following statement " I am very thankful to all of you and pray daily for all of you to be safe! I am a person who does whatever I can to help my local Firefighters with charities, and fundrasiers. I believe in giving back to the people who sacrifice so much for everyone else. Be safe out there!" I did not misrepresent myself or pretend to be a member of any fire personnel organization. I also think this site has the capabilites of an educational tool for civillians who are intrested in becoming part of the fire personnel. I have read that they are fire personnel who don't feel appreciated. I don't appreciate the comment of taking out the trash! I also support Denis Leary's Firefighter Foundation. I have made some really great friends on this site I am married and my intention for becomming a member was for professional reasons and to tell all of you that I truly am grateful for you do! I have laughed, cried with you believe it or not it's up to you. I feel upset and dissapointed of some of the comments made here! I still wish for all of you to stay safe! :-(
What Art said.

As usual, he cut right to the heart of it.

This is a great topic. I have read many of the responses on this discussion and all are valid. I joined this site today....and have become "glued" to it. I don't have to "hunt" for friends or anything like that. I have added many brothers already and its cool to know that there is a site like this where ALL firefighter/EMS/Rescue members can socialize and discuss topics. I do know many people, including my mom and dad who are attracted to the fire service...in fact both of them work at Texas A&M's Brayton Fire Field, where my dad is the environmental coordinator, and my mom works with ESTI. Both of them had somewhat normal jobs, until I got into the firefighting service. So to make a long story short, there are some "civilians" out there who are curious about our careers, and want to ask questions. Now I hope that somehow this site can protect the phising problems and bot problems myspace has.
Just so everyone is aware, there are a few profiles like the "Food Network" mentioned above. These are other social networks using this same technology, so they are just here seeing how we do things :)
Thanks Chap ... there are not a lot of profiles that are 'out of bounds' so to speak....in the end I may just spend more time reviewing them or encouraging users to report issues, removing duplicate videos, etc.

I think overall, given the newness of the site, hundreds of new sign ups each week, etc. it runs fairly well.

There are thousands others visiting each day who are not full members and I don't allow 'Anonymous' users to post comments on blogs, etc...which I think controls a lot of things and pushes people to join if they really want to comment. We're probably right in line in terms of ratio of 'signed up' members to those who just wanna browse without profiles...far more than 15,000 members benefit from the site every month.

Thanks for the feedback everyone
Ah indeed, the site is easily addicting. It is a great network that has come a long way since when I joined. I wouldn't have thought of seeing 15,000 members in such a short period of time, but when you have the goods, the people will hear about it and want to be part of it.
Also interesting to note is that there is no outcry or protests coming from the aforementioned group of users.
In fact, a very, very, very small percentage of the 15,000 has bothered to share their thoughts on this.
It must not be that important to the non-public servant sector.
So, let's get busy!
Cant we just simply police ourselves. When one of us comes across something of a questionable nature just report it. I've enjoyed this site I'd hate to see it turn into fh.com forums.
hey chief, it wouldn't break my heart to see non-public servants go, but i would like to see family of firefighters, ems, cops and dispatchers stay. and i would like to see the video's stay the same it is a social network and it show's what everybody is into and stuff like that. as for the blogs and discussion's and stuff you do what you need you need to do i will keep coming back no matter what.
I agree. Let's try to keep this for fire and ems. Good luck to you, Chief.
The whole idea sounds great of keeping it for those who it was made for but the operation of that seems impossible,
I wish you luck Chief but I think you will find out that you can't stop them. If we all just don't make them feel welcome and instead of fighting with a person who is questionable just ignore them and not give them a forum and they will weed themselves out.
Ok get rid of them all except if they are a not insane female that wants an over worked under paid public servant..Sorry sick of being single...
Members- If you go down that path, then you eliminate heaps who have a legitimate reason for wanting access to this site. For example, it's been 8 years since I've been a first responder, but I own a company that trains industrial FF's/ERT's. I laso teach emergency management. SO I use these sites to share ideas and stay up to date on issues, techniques, etc.

Videos-- Chief, you and I have beeen back and forth about videos a couple of weeks ago. I say go for it! Also look at duplicates- if I see another one of that painter that is painting the firefighter, I'm gonna seriously hurt someone or myself!!!!

Photos- Leav 'eam as is. It's a chance to share a bit about yourself.


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