I get kinda mad when i see a wreck but then i see firemen or vechiles with bluelights drive right pass so i want to get some feedback on this topic. Please send me your belief on this topics.

Jeremy Cheesman

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Looks like we all pretty much agree that we should stop if we are among the first to encounter a scene. We occasionally have firefighters from area departments and nurses from local hospitals on scene when we arrive on assignment. We almost always ask them to stay and help. We appreciate good samaritans. I'd do the same.
I will stop, identify myself and ask if assistance is needed...If it is.....I help...If they say no, then I leave....Something that bothers me from time to time is Firefighters (We are all PROFESSIONALS) that cannot use the English language and at the very minimum spell correctly....doesn't put a good light on us if when we write something every other word is spelled wrong.......Stay safe.....Keep the Faith........Paul
Ralph...been there and done that....BUT, at least we try...that's more than many.....LOL...Had a bad one last week up here...Structure fire....4 in the trailer...migrant workers....No English at all....one didn't make it out...couldn't tell us that he was still in there....later....Take care...stay safe.......Paul
As I said way back in this thread and will paraphrase here: make sure that your help is needed and wanted.
Don't be an unwanted guest.
We know how WE get if someone shows up at one of our scenes.
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
I agree Art. Again!
If I have PPE and nobody is on scene yet I will stop.

If I have PPE and some agency is on scene but looks like they have their hands full I'll stop, identify myself and offer assistance. If they need it, fine...if they say "thanks but no thanks" that's fine too. Been in both situations as IC before, so I don't get my feelings hurt if they don't want help.

If I have PPE and it appears they have things in hand I continue on because stopping is probably going to cause far more problems than it solves.

If I don't have PPE I don't stop to render care because without PPE I'm just an educated bystander. I'll call 911, and if there are no injuries I'll assist in getting vehicles out of the roadway in compliance with SC law.

It's probably about 50/50 in assisting and getting turned down. I've done everything from direct traffic to watching the pump panel to working the extrication tool to actually taking command for two very young and very green firefighters who were more than happy to see a white hat on scene.
I will stop if there is no help at the scene even if it is out of my call area. Even thou it is also required by Ohio lawsince we are State certified and trained for the situation We do not fall under the good samaritin act by Ohio law as long as we are in the state borders.
I agree with most everyone. I am the same way as i will stop if there is noone on sce. Once fire/ems show up i step aside and let them do there jobs. If it looks like they don't have enough man power i will offer my services but other wise i will just go about my way. In my area most of our fire department work well together and we know most everyone so stopping in there area is not a big deal and most really like the extra pair of hands on the sce right away.
Kathy if you stop...great...if you are needed...but if you get hurt you are on your own...you have no insurance if you are outside of your district..unless you are requested to help. I don't want to get into starting IV's without gloves....I am also an RN...I will only say....You KNOW better...And one other thing...the Good Samaritan Law only pertains to your Emergency training...your practice as an RN does nothing for you outside of the hospital setting......I have training as both a military medic, EMT (think it has been 37 years now) and as a Nurse (Burn ICU, CCRN, CERN). So I have been around the block more than once too.....LOL
well in my opinion if everyone went straight to the wreck who is going to get the truck and wheres the PPE at?
you see that because certain stations are required to not stop and go to the station
I'd suggest checking with your chain of command and seeing what they want you to do.

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