The story of The maltese cross. I feel we can't do our job unless we know where we come from.

The badge of a Firefighter is the Maltese Cross. The Maltese Cross is a symbol of protection, a badge of honor, and its story is hundreds of years old. When a courageous band of Crusaders, known as the Knights of St. John, fought the Saracens for possession of the Holy Lands, they were faced with a new weapon not known to European fighters. It was a simple but horrible device of war. The Saracens weapon was fire.

As the Crusaders advanced on the walls of the city, they were bombarded WITH GLASS BOMBS CONTAINING NAPTHA. When they were saturated with the liquid, the Saracens threw flaming torches into the Crusaders. Hundreds of Knights were burned alive while others risked their lives in an effort to save their kinsmen from painful fiery deaths. Thus, these men became the first Firemen and the first of a long line of firefighters. Their efforts were recognized by fellow Crusaders who awarded each other with a badge of honor similar to the cross firefighters wear today.

Since the Knights of St. John lived for close to four centuries on the Island of Malta, in the Mediterranean Sea, the Cross came to be known as the Maltese Cross. The Maltese Cross is your symbol of protection. It means that the Firefighter that wears the cross is willing to lay down his life for you, just as the Crusaders sacrificed their lives for their fellow man many years ago. The Maltese Cross is a Firefighter’s badge of honor, signifying that he works in courage------a ladder rung away from death.

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Just so we don't misunderstand what you're saying...

1) It's OK to post responses to your thread, but only if we agree with you.
2) It is "essential" to know and repeat the history of the Knights of Malta, the Maltese Cross, and their supposed relationship to modern firefighting, even if the story is B.S.
3)It's OK for you to post personal attacks against and insults toward anyone who disagrees with you.
4) If you post it, it's "great history, B.S. or not".
5) There's no need for historical accuracy in your post, but it's OK for you to call anyone who points out the inaccuracies "burned out" and "bitter" and to suggest that they end their careers.
6) It's OK for a firefighter who posts four years of experience to lecture firefighters with exponentially more experience as if they were in their first morning of Recruit School.
7) You think it's OK to post unfounded personal attacks against people that you don't even know, then complain because it got "out of hand"?

...because it sounds as if that is indeed what you're saying.
(Thus the quotation marks when your comments were cited.)

Just you have a kitchen table in your firehouse?
If so, do you spend any time there?
Thank you for the great story.I did a report paper for my Jr.high school History and English classes on this very subject(same paper,just copied).Since everyone in my class made fun of me for wanting to be a firefighter.Wrote an submitted to both teachers,received a 100% for both classes.My former English teacher has it framed and hanging on the classroom wall to this day.By the way Both Stories could apply to our cross,since St.Florian's cross could possibly be based on the Knights of St.John's cross,or vice versa.
If anyone dosent like it then you dont have to comment on it.

That is part of a discussion process, why post a topic if you don't expect to hear other sides or thoughts?
"I just came across it and thought i would share it."
JUST came across it? You weren't taught this your first week as a probie? So you figured none of us had ever heard that story? Really? Have you heard about this cool new website, called FFN?

Addendum - This department went Back to Basics for the entire 1000 man department. No where did it mention fire service history or the maltese cross. Guess them damn paid departments don't know what's what.
How well this thread has gone (yet again) without me even stirring the pot!

For those that like history, try this link - History of the Maltese Cross,
as used by the Order of St John of Jerusalem. I think they may know what they are talking about. There could be some bias there of course.
Dude! A "Mother, Jugs and Speed" reference! You rock!

I am so going to make everyone watch that next time we have an EMS drill. That is at least as important (and relevant) as the origin of the Maltese cross.
I posted earlier that we don't have the Maltese Cross here in Australia, but I didn't even think to mention the symbol on our logo: a burning bush!

Thank you for the info
Roberto, stirred up the hornets nest did ya? What other interesting topics should you bring up? j/k And I thought you just liked arguing with me.
Very good story :-) Now I can sleep tight tonight. Bob, I know you didn't write this because all the words are spelled correctly lol j/k. Good story bud
Well ok I have read all the blah blah blah in this post and have to say that I was very interested in the original post. Do not how ever agree with the later part of the title. But I like to learn about some of the history behind the things I am interested in and until this post did not know the history of the what ever the badge needs to be called. Very good history lesson Robert. Thanks.

Be trainable and stay safe out there,
Killing Saracens?

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