Hello and welcome to what appears to be becoming the "Junior" FFN webpage!

Since my return I have noticed that there seems to be a plethora of postings that seem to have "junior", explorer, cadet or some other term of minority in them. Although I appreciate that everyone gets their start somewhere, and I have learned that obviously a great number of fire departments represented here on these hallowed pages use "juniors" to supplement their 'seniors'? , I can not believe how many postings there suddenly are with JUNIORS involved and to be quite frank the number of juniors that seem to have "tude" about it...

Whats the next posting.....Barney teaches ropes and knots...Dora Explorer holding a class on fire control, and today we will be using real water kids...Tonight after hours, (7:00 p.m.) we will gather upstairs for a showing of high school musical/the firefighter years...Should juniors be allowed to "skate" or scooter to the call?

I mean cmon here.....First off if your not 18.....You aint a firefighter. Junior, explorer, cadet whatever....not FIREFIGHTER...like I told one young man in here on his post..I appreciate your interest and wish you well...but when you put "junior" in front of anything...it is still JUNIOR!!!!!

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Jake, every day is a new day for me, what with the on-set of demanta demantia damenshu forgetfulness. Kinda slipped my mind, as it were, what OSHA stands for.
It never ceases to amaze me that, while the 'juniors' advocate such programs (juniors, cadets, explorers) as necessary for them to learn the trade, they seem much more cavalier with regard to speelin an gramer. Makes me wundr jst excly wht kinda farmans theys gona b.

I guess if you don't see a need to use punctuation, correct spelling and grammar with clear and concise thoughts presented in paragraphs, then incomplete PPE, the wrong hose line, inappropriate timing for ventilation and a host of other things can easily be considered useless as well. And that is the future of the fire service.

There ya go again. Pointing out things the juniors already know. After all THEY FIGHT WHAT YOU (AND I) FEAR!!!!!!

Old age? Failure of Social Security? Incontinence? ED?
Oh the things I have to look forward to....
It's already setting in. I forgot about that one...LOL
i understand that the point is respect, and as long as they show respect and listen to their superiors, i see no problem with jr. ff programs
"It will be dealt with quickly..."

Yes, but only if there are numerous complaints, right? Just how long did it take to get Frederick off the FFN? Two-months? A 14-year old poser that repeatedly posted the same discussions, only to delete them over and over again if the comments were negative.

When I brought this to your attention, I was told, "For the record, you are the only person to complain about this user. Everyone else piling on about them has yet to post a report."

So read very closely FFN membership about reporting someone. If only one person takes the time to communicate that there is a problem, then the logic is that maybe you are the problem?

I still am simply amazed that the FFN would prioritize a 14-year old posing as a junior firefighter over a 30 plus year veteran firefighter that actually offers something here on the FFN for the readers.

It was not until I posted on Frederick's last discussion the fact that I was the only one who had taken the time to relay to the FFN that this kid was a problem. When multiple emails were received, or at least one more than mine, the kid was finally removed from the FFN.

It appears that for some reason, the FFN finds catering to the FFJR's (which makes no sense to me) to be an acceptable practice. Kids / children do not pay for things do they? I can't imagine why this site seems to continually be focused on FFJR's verses real firefighting issues. This is the wrong road, dumbing down the FFN site and it's adults who pay for things, not children, right?

Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

AMEN Capt Busy!
A quote from your profile page, "Just because you are certified does not mean that you are qualified." How then can you justify letting a child on the fireground?

If you're allowing (judgment call) cadets to man a charged line to extinguish a working fire, then you are in violation of OSHA, NFPA and Child Labor Laws. Should one of your cadets be injured -or worse- you (as lead instructor) as well as your Chief and the department may very well all end up in one wicked shit storm.

A minor can get killed or injured anywhere, at school or on the way to, at a part-time job, even on vacation. There is no avoiding risk but...letting them actually function as a firefighter? No effing way.

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