Hello and welcome to what appears to be becoming the "Junior" FFN webpage!

Since my return I have noticed that there seems to be a plethora of postings that seem to have "junior", explorer, cadet or some other term of minority in them. Although I appreciate that everyone gets their start somewhere, and I have learned that obviously a great number of fire departments represented here on these hallowed pages use "juniors" to supplement their 'seniors'? , I can not believe how many postings there suddenly are with JUNIORS involved and to be quite frank the number of juniors that seem to have "tude" about it...

Whats the next posting.....Barney teaches ropes and knots...Dora Explorer holding a class on fire control, and today we will be using real water kids...Tonight after hours, (7:00 p.m.) we will gather upstairs for a showing of high school musical/the firefighter years...Should juniors be allowed to "skate" or scooter to the call?

I mean cmon here.....First off if your not 18.....You aint a firefighter. Junior, explorer, cadet whatever....not FIREFIGHTER...like I told one young man in here on his post..I appreciate your interest and wish you well...but when you put "junior" in front of anything...it is still JUNIOR!!!!!

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Hey Jake you forgot Spongebob Squarepants teaching swift water rescue man!!!
actually there are many volunteer fire departments that allow "junior" members to join as young as 16, they're just a rookie for a little longer.
You're talking about not being able to read our messages, just so you know, it's not "OHSA" as you call it, it's OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and if it's volunteer it doesn't fall under child labor laws. Also in most states a minor (anyone under the age of 18) cannot do their live burn, and therefore cannot recieve their blackhat or go inside a burning building, that would be why they're called juniors. When you can't do your job any more would you rather be replaced by a 27 year old who's been doing it for 10 years or a 30 year old who's been doing it for 2? Hopefully you want your community protected and your answer would be the most experienced individual.
Tammy...I'm sure you understand what a typo is and if you've read anything else I've written you would realized that I do know that it is indeed OSHA. But thanks for thinking I really was that stupid.

Oh and, even though it "is" volunteer, it still comes under child labor laws. I suggest you check that out. And thank you again for pointing out the obvious, that "most" states don't allow anyone under the age of 18 to go inside a burning building...I think you are the first one here to point that out.

As to who I want to be replaced by, it's not up to me. A 27 year old who's been doing it for 10 years...doing what for 10 years? Being a ff? If you can't go into a burning building until you are 18 (and NFPA (hope I typed that right) states you can not attain FFI unless you are 18) then you are NOT a firefighter. So your math is wrong, it's a 27 year old with (no more than) 9 years of experience. Keep trying, you'll get it soon.

And what's wrong with the 30 year old who's only been doing it for 2 years? Do you think that "old" people simply can get it, or get is as well as younger ones? Being as you are only 18 with 2 years in the fire service (really? 2? As what? Not as a firefighter, that's for sure) you have a LOT to learn. You don't list your training...hmmmmm.
Stay safe-ish.
You're missing the point here Tamara.
When you can't do your job any more would you rather be replaced by a 27 year old who's been doing it for 10 years or a 30 year old who's been doing it for 2? Hopefully you want your community protected and your answer would be the most experienced individual.

That doesn't matter because the day I can no longer do this job, I'm not really going to worry about the time someone has in the fire service, because our standards are higher than most. What does 10 years really have over someone with 2? Really, only time, but it doesn't mean squat in the long run. That person with 2 years experience may have started in a big city, went through an extensive academy and worked more fires on a tour than a typical rural volunteer firefighter does in months. That person with 10 years may have 10 years sitting around a "good ol boys" fire hall, never better themselves, never attended extra training and so forth.

Who do I want taking my spot when I go, the person best qualified for the job, period.
If you see any member, junior or otherwise, acting or posting inappropriately, please report it via the Contact link at the bottom of the page. It will be dealt with quickly.

If you browse the latest forums, doesn't look 'overrun' with juniors... http://www.firefighternation.com/forum/topic/list ... but again, report problems so they can be dealt with.

LOL oooops cant forget that!!!! I think G.I. Joe is teaching a command class
Geeeeeee "sparky", again thanks for pointing it out. It does not matter "inside" or "outside". Children are children. Just because they don't go in, does not mean they are not in danger. Lets see...in my experience, which I know must pale to yours, I have known 6 firefighters who died in line of duty. Only ONE was "in" a structure fire and died as a result of the fire itself. I have known 2 who died at traffic collisions, (um outside), 2 who died at EMS scenes (1 outside and one inside, but neither a fire) and one who was killed outside a fire while directing traffic. So if I do my mathe correctly that shows that out of 6, 2 died "inside" AND ONLY 1 "IN" A FIRE.

In you extensive service you may have seen that on average more firefighters are injured AWAY from fire...not in it.

Jack...shame on you...do u not know what OSHA is.....I never laughed so hard in my life.

Tamara if you really "respect all those who have chose to make a profession of firefighting/EMS" as your profile says, then you should realize that the things we say do not come from some lexicon of sarcasm or being a pain in the arse...They come from the fact that weve been around a little, we have maybe even EARNED the right to have an opinion or two. It is not that we are "against" juniors...We are against juniors going into fire, working at fire or working in hazardous conditions. Why...because the ARE children!!! We are also against every junior who has a sticker on their 'rig' acting as if the have the time and experience to know what they are talking about. Ive got about as many years on the job as you have on this Earth, so maybe I do know a thing or two, but I will also tell you when other firefighters etc that have more years on the job make a point, and I maybe don't agree with them....I DO NOT get snide and try to correct them...whether it is thought or grammer. I will share my opinion and move on.

You may want to think about the same
well most fire dept. require there JUNIORS to be at lest 16 or 17 years old, which by then they should have a dl.... and i thank that it is kinda a good idea for the junior programs because they are the future.
well most fire dept. require there JUNIORS to be at lest 16 or 17 years old, which by then they should have a dl.... and i thank that it is kinda a good idea for the junior programs because they are the future.

They may be the future FF's, but it still makes no reason for them to be doing any type of fire suppression, that is the point here.

Having a driver's license really doesn't mean anything either, no way, no how, no reason, should a jr be operating any fire apparatus and there is no reason for a jr to respond to a scene in a POV.

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