Firefighter Tyler Gilliam

Tillering Truck 11

Here's an update as of Tuesday, February 16, 2010. 

Thank you everyone that helped out with casting a vote for one of my firefighters who has gone through a lot this past year with his personal health. I am disappointed that Tyler and Amber did not win the Dream Wedding contest but know that they will move on regardless, and will continue to love one another for the rest of their lives. You have to know that it is such an honor to know this guy. He's a fireman's fireman to me and many others. I don't care how bad the call was, Tyler is always spot on with his judgment and job skills whether it be working on the truck, water rescue on jet skiis, swift water rescue or USAR not to mention the basic firefighting skills.

I have no doubt that he and his wonderful fiance will be successful in any endeavor they seek together.

Here's what the website posted today:
Announcing the 2010 Southern California Dream Wedding Giveaway's Dream Couple™
After 4 months, 615 contestant entries, 34,029 votes from the public one couple was announced the official 2010 Southern Calfornia Dream Wedding GIveaway Dream Couple™:
Megan & Peter (Dream Couple™ #600)
We want to thank all our Top 5 couples for inspiring us with their stories and for letting us get to know you through this whole process. You all have a special place in our hearts and we wish you nothing but the best in the future. You are all Dream Couples™ to us.

Top 10 Dream Couple™: Amber & Tyler (Dream Couple #533)

One of my Firefighters Tyler has been fighting cancer for the last year. He has been a firefighter for over a decade and has worked for the Santa Barbara County Fire for the last eight years. He is still being treated after two dangerous surgeries and has gone through a devastating period in his life and is not out of the woods yet. His girlfriend Amber has stuck by him through his ordeal and they recently became engaged.

Tyler and Amber have entered a Dream Wedding giveaway competition to win a fabulous free wedding. How fantastic would it be to help a brother and a very special couple have a dream wedding after all they have been through.

Contest Question Excerpt: 

Tell us about the hardest thing you as a couple have had to face to date.

By far the hardest thing we have had to face as a couple is my battle with cancer over the last year. In February of 2009 I was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. The diagnosis completely shattered our idyllic little life. We rent a small house on the West side of Santa Barbara where we live with our little pound puppy, Allie who we adopted in 2006 and is the joy of our life. I have a wonderful
career with the Santa Barbara County Fire Department, where I’m lucky to work with some of the best people in the world who are also some of my closest friends. (more…)

Thank you for your anticipated help!  Let’s make this an overwhelming success, showing that firefighters take care of their own, because we care.



Views: 827

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They have my vote! I'll check it out again from work in the morning. God bless and they're in my prayers.
They got my vote. Anything to help a brother out.
Voted for them BZY. I also posted that on my Facebook page.
I'm in
Voted for them and as of now they lead with 39% of the votes.
A close friend of mine went through the same thing. It's rough, but he too, has a great wife. I wish them the best.
Done, Good luck to them
They have my vote. I wish them the best of luck.
Anything to help a brother in need...hope everything goes well...stay safe!

Marty Hrinko
As information becomes available, I will keep everyone posted. Thank you all for your votes! I haven't told Tyler yet, I will wait until the replies exceed 1000. We should not have any problem doing that, right? Please pass the word to your FFN friends, coworkers and family to make Valentines Day even more special.

I'm seeing more and more votes being reported on my facebook page posting BRO.
awesome, thanks again
Hey CBz,

I went over to the site to check how "our" couple was doing and it said that "this poll is no longer available or has been de-activated". What gives? Did we win???


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