like most of you I don't do this for the glory, I do it to help a neighbor in need.    So when someone sees me in f.d. clothing and calls me a glory seeker it really bothers me.   Yes it is nice to be

recognized once and awhile for the hundreds of things we do a year but thats not why I do it.  I was wondering how you deal with people like that and if there are people on your depts. who do it for the glory???

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*High Five* Ralph :)
First off, I have a tendency to wear nothing 'fire department' orientated when I'm off duty... I like being off duty and not responsible for anyone else sometimes, don't we all?

After reading the posts to you Zach, I thought it might be appropriate to share a story that reinforces the need to be able to control a crowds public opinion of you or a situation. You can't always make everyone like you and in many cases as has been reflected here by some... who cares anyway?

People make assumptions all the time, just the way some do about firefighters for whatever reason and this includes you or someone else, off duty, wearing a FD related shirt or jacket. Remember, you can't always make everyone happy and many times, this individual who has it out for you has a personal agenda that may include his or her not getting hired, or some other reason that made this person angry and unreasonable. Always rememer, it has nothing to do with you, it's their problem, not yours.

I had a friend who had been abusing himself the night before with ETOH... way too much ETOH... we had to board a plane the next day and he was having a severe case of dry heaves... Everyone assumed, and rightly so that the guy had just drank too much. With public opinion going downhill on this guy and people staring and whispering about what a low life he was, I watched in amazement as the guy, kneeling on one knee apologized to the group for his condition and explained the condition in just on word... chemo... talk about a sudden change in group mentality... The guy became the focus of sympathy and love... This guy manipulated the whole crowd...

So, when dealing with folks who don't like you for whatever reason, you now have the knowledge that you can simply start puking, explaining that it's the chemo or... blow it off. And if you like to wear fire department stuff, then good for you! It's your right to be proud of what you do. Where I live, people once finding out that you are a firefighter will thank you for what you do with the myriad of wildland fires we have had over the past couple of years. I don't wear stuff much because it embarrasses me. Low key is good for me...


People will judge you regardless of what your occupation is. Ours is not immune from criticism. People will often see some long-haired person with a Metallica tee shirt on and figure him for some rock n roll pot head. So what?

The probel here is that far too many people wear fire and maltese tee shirts and clothing as their everyday wardrobe and DO expect to impress people. And many of them forget that when wearing such clothing, that acting like an idiot will only serve to form the public's opinion that all members of that organization are a group of clowns.

I don't wear FD clothing often, either. It's my work uniform, and I don't want to wear it when I am not working. I may, on occassion grab an old tee shirt, or hoody, but I am at least mindful that the symbol of my department may draw attention to me, and my actions may be cause some people to form an opinion about my department.

This business has just as many it's share of whackers and idiots as does any other business. Sometimes it's only us who feel we are something special.

Are you saying that my ride isn't something special Jeff? Do you truly think people will judge me by the kind of car I drive and how it looks? I'm shocked!
brother zach
i myself have been known to call some people glory seekers, but i do it to the people i know who r doing it, and u can tell the ones, like the guy in one post said had all his attire on plus radio pager big belt buckle, i my self have stopped on my way home to get a pop after being on duty and have hade my jacket on, but off duty i dont wear any type id what soever i keep on the dL, as long as you are not drunk in public or acting like an ass while wearing colors your good to go, and as long as you dont wear your uniform 24/7 like some do, i dont see a problem either, so dont let it get you down sport your colors and be proud but sport them proudly also dont be a jerk thats what makes it bad for all of us.
I have to admit, I wear a department shirt of somekind almost everyday. Why?, because I am very proud to have been given the opportunity to do this job. I have been a FF/EMT for 7 years and an instructor for two and I still look up to other firefighters like the kids do when we go to shcools. As for "glory seekers," I think they get weeded out pretty quick. There is hard work and dedication to this job, we all know that. You learn quick who is cut from this cloth and who isn't. Personally, I believe in being the example. We are an all volunteer dept. and I tell each person that comes in that they just volunteered to be a PROFESSIONAL. I say be proud, be confident, and be helpful. Arrogance gives you a bad name and complacency gets you killed.
I don't wear ID type of attire all the time....BUT....I am a vollie...I am not going to appease some ass because he thinks I am out for recognition...isn't it enough that I give my time, my money and my sweat for the community...? Just be thankful I have anything on at all.....LOL Now, that would be ugly...LOL.....My time.....My money....My gas...just to save your sorry ass.....OOPS, not politically correct was it.....oh me.....
Oh, OK that guy. Yeah, Ralph, I know him. I just didn't know he had a nickname. Ha ha.
What would Dust have done? I would have told the guy quietly...."Oh you wanna see a glory hound?" Then picked the guy up, threw him over my shoulder and ran outside of the place all the while screaming "FIGHFIGHTER COMING THROUGH, FIREFIGHTER COMING THROUGH! then dropped him on the ground and started doing chest compressions all the while screaming LIVE DAMN YOU!
But that's just me....
I don't wear department clothing unless I'm at work. That solves a lot of the problems for me. Technically, we aren't allowed to. You either wear your entire uniform, or none of it. We are also trying to remind guys not to wear their uniforms to and from work because of the contaminants that can be picked up in the rigs (thanks to dirty gear) and transferred to our personal vehicles and our families. It may sound like overkill, but very few carcinogens are needed to be "effective".
But, I digress, why do you wear department shirts off duty? Not a criticism, just wondering.
why do you wear department shirts off duty?

I wondered that, but then saw the volunteer aspect. The shirt described would be a job shirt for me and like you, it is part of the uniform and not to be worn off duty. However, most volly depts don't have that rule and one can argue they are "on-duty".

I see it as a pride thing and even uniqueness, nothing wrong with that. This isn't a "I fight what you fear" thing or "Big Johnson" type of shirt, just a shirt with a dept logo etc....I'm betting most on here have such a shirt and probably many on here with a shirt from another dept. I have numerous ones, some for the uniqueness of places I visited...being in Green Bay, people know a San Francisco FD shirt or Boston shirt isn't a local's unique. I have union local shirts, which state dept and local number, not a duty shirt, but is a pride thing. Wearing such a shirt really is no different than wearing a sports team's logo or apparel. Some say they don't wear any FD stuff off duty, fine, some do, fine.

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