Just want to know the steps involved in firing a volunteer firefighter?

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It should be in your depts. by laws. If it not, you better work on that first. You almost cannot "fire" a volunteer you ask them to go and not come back.
Documentation will be important. If this is a majour offence to lead to termination quote the specific s. o p. that has been violated and any individuals with first hand knowledge should be interviewed and recorded. If this is an accumulation of problems usually the three strike rule applies. 1/ verbal and written notification of a first time offence. 2/ Asecond offence again requires verbal and written notification accompanied usually with a suspension and/or fine , with the advice that further violation will lead to termination of services. 3/ A third violation will be sufficient to allow for dissmisal of services. That's the way it works around here hope that helps
I agree with John, you need to have it spelled out in your by-laws. I would also add, if a situation arises, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT and have both parties sign. Then if the situation continues you will have a documented history and ground to stand on if you need to ask someone to leave.
on my dept we have a list of pretty much all possible offences and we all sat down and voted on what the punnishment should be for every offense. some of the more serious ones will result in immediate termininatian. usually there is two verbal warnings followed by a one month suspension, and as a last resort, termination
You operate and are part of the Department at the the discretion of the Fire Chief on our Department as stated in our bylaws. As Chief I have removed several people from the ranks. It is no fun and extremely tense. If these people are contensious and causing problems they must go. Usually however they somehow feel that it is their God given right to be here. WRONG! Only if they are following the rules of the Department. Document, document, document.
If your department is made up of "members" you can ask for a vote to terminate a membership. Then you can ban the former member from the facility and the fireground. Check to see what the constitution/bylaws say.
i agree that your by laws and sops are a major factor in this without these you almost have no ground to stand on, ive found that it is much less tense and easier if you bring them in a room in front of the officers and let them explain there situation and then vote whether or not to keep them on or to terminate them

How to fire someone, without getting in trouble legally...

1. Verbal Warning
2. Written Warning
3. Meet with the Chief to determine discipline, suspension or termination.

discipline should always be a progressive thing...starting with an informal verbal...then Formal (backed up in writting)..Then in writting...and last but hopefully never reached termination...We Have an Executive Board that meets and gives the members their Recommendation...then the members review the situation and vote (secret ballot) takes 2/3 majority for action to be taken....it isn't pleasant for anyone...including those at the meeting.....and yes it should be in your SOG's or Bylaws
All new members should review their department bylaws and SOG'S and have signed off on them. After signing off on them stating that they fully understand them, well... no excuses then!
Thanks for all the input guys. We have never had to deal with this before, so there's nothing in our bylaws. The chief decided to fire me for no apparent reason. I have been on the department for 17 years and have a perfectly clean record. I was promoted to lieutenant/training officer in 2002, then promoted to captain in july of 09. This firing was completely random. The guys wrote and signed a letter of complaint against the chief and forwarded it to the selectman. they informed me that i was an "employee at will" and the chief could do as he pleased. The guys also voted to see if i should be fired and not 1 member agreed with the chief.
That seems like a fair way of doing it. Thank you!!

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