Im pretty sure everybody has this problem but my station ran a wreck last week at about 2 am on some small back road. When we got there there was one vehicle on its top in the middle of the road and the driver and passengers had ran from the scene. So all we were doing was traffic control and waiting on the deputy to arrive. After ten minutes we keep getting more and more people showing up and getting out of their cars to come look at the car that had fliped. We kept telling them that they needed to go back to their cars and wait or turn around . Nobody listens, we keep telling them over and over but they kept on pushing closer. somebody started counting how many people were there and it ended up being about 40 to 50 people. keep in mind the road is a dead end and there are maybe 20 houses on that road. The deputy finally got there and tried to help us but it didnt do any good. the few of us that were there had to make a wall to try to hold people back while the wrecker fliped the car back over and hooked it up. I have been with the fire service for about 5 years now and i have never seen any scene as bad as that one. And every one of them said they heard it on their scanners. What is wrong with people.

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Jake, unfortunately this happens to us all. Some people just don't announce that they heard it on their scanner. It sounds to me like PD wasn't doing their job. In Indiana it is a class C misdemeanor if someone is interfering with a firefighter's duties. To me this situation would fall into that category. PD should've started threating and then making arrests. That'll clear them out real quick.

It may have benefited you since it was a dead end road to close the road off at the top of the road coming in with an engine or some other fire dept apparatus and only let in those who need to get in. This will provide you with scene safety, scene preservation and again scene safety. You own the road during the mva and until you release it to the police dept what your oic says goes. As a past chief I would not have had a problem in my day to close the road down from both directions during fire company operations to keep the members safe and only let in or out who needs to get in or out. Firefighter safety is paramount above all else and that should relieve you of your rubberneckers unless your on a major throughfare such as a major highway with more than 2 lanes. Again use your apparatus to block the road to keep the unwanted out. If you dont have enough apparatus at the scene utilize fire police, state police whoever. Hope this helps. Good luck.
We usually dont have this problem... of course there are a few passerbys that try to help on major car wrecks but nothing ever like what you have described... that would suck! I can't tell you how many times I've been on a car wreck and some 50 year old woman runs over yelling "I'm a nurse! I'm a nurse!" I just reply "thats very nice... now go back to your car, you are not equipped to handle this situation."
Oh you gotta love those volunteer!!! I have been on 2 or 3 wrecks where they were actually useful in the 14 yrs of doing this.
Jake, This happens everywere its not that people hear it on the scanner but they stop when they see a call. Our police officers do a good job to help with this problem.But sometimes its still a mess. People have always did this in my 23 years.
i think that that people get off on other peoples misery we got called to a pi where a 4 year old was hit by a car thank god the kid survived i got stuck with 2 volunteer nurses one was an rn the other was a nero tech or some shit i arrived on scene and she tells me that he needs a cat scan and all kinds of other high tech shit i told how about we get him to the hospital first of course what i was really thinking was well lady if you can pull all of that out of your ass right here in the middle of the road then by all means go for it

but as far as rubberneckers go witch were driving by some I'm sure because of scanner land on of guys on our fire dept was hit by one of them wile he was directing traffic he wasn't hurt but it just shows how stupid people can be
Unfortunately for us, I live in a small community, so as soon as they hear the siren there off to see what is going on. Some people dont have anything else better to do with there lives. So we now block traffic unless its for emergency personel. But unfortunately your going to get that everywhere.
Ralph, you can listen to almost any FD/PD/EMS in the country including Gratiot County MI.
I guess we can be lucky in our area we get the rubberneckers on there way by or a neighbor coming by on a medical. i have had a rn push her way in on a medical and was like " i'm a nurse i can give her an IV". I said great so can i! get out of the way now please" she said "but i'm a nurse" I simply said "ok give em an IV" her response was "i don't have any of the stuff i said " no shit get out of the way now"
The bst way to get RN's, MD's, etc.. to un-ass your AO is to order them to check rectal tone and testicular weight.
LMAO!!! That's unreal. That lady was probably thinking "WTF?"
This is a great thread and alot of good ideas and stories have been presented but at the end of the day these types of situations could be remedied by taking control of the scene, block access from both directions with apparatus if warranted for scene safety and get the job done. Again utilize every available resource available to block roads whether it be fire police, local pd, sheriffs ofice or state police. In reference to nurses and doctor, if they are on scene prior to arrival and rendering assistance be professional and courteous and either utilize their skills or thank them kindly and say we wil take over from here. This will keep out the people from scanner land, protect the fire, ems responders and any patients.

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