Firefighter Jeopardy, that is. The rules are simple, someone post the answer, then the next person to come along posts the actual answer in the form of a question. That same person who answers in the form of a question is to then post the answer for the next person to come along. Keep it firefighter related, try your hardest not to cheat(i.e. Google, Bing, Ask, you firefighter literature)... I mean, this is an honorable profession, right?


We'll start out simple.

"I'll take Fire Science for $100, Alex."

Answer; Oxygen, heat and fuel.

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What is an 8" blade with 2 1/2' handle, weighing 10lbs? (shrugs shoulders)

Ventilation $300

Answer; A large opening cut into a roof, typically in a garden style apartment or row houses, running virtually the entire width of the roof, and at least 2' across.
What is a trench cut?

Answer: 3% foam is used for his type of fuel
I'll take Engine Ops for $300 Alex...

Answer: This special valve is used at hydrants to boost pressure whenever a long supply line is utilized?

What is a 4-way valve?


Answer; The act of ventilating horizontally with a fog pattern water stream and is more effective than mechanical air ventilation.
What is Hydraulic Ventilation?

This knot is used when tying prussiks loops.
incorrect. It is much easier to use the "hammer" side of a flat-head axe- lessens the chance of the blade getting stuck, decreases time to cut the hole.
Yes, that's actually my preferred method. I misread, I thought he typed size, not side. And it's the butt, not the hammer ;)
What is a clove hitch?

Answer: This valve reduces a 2-1/2" line down to two 1-3/4" lines.

Attention all juniors and explores: Please, take part in this thread. I made it up, in part, for you, so you can learn, be educated and take part in this site without posting in those ridiculously redundant whacker and junior threads. Plus, I'm positive us old timers could use a refresher when it comes to some things. Criminy, I'm an old timer!?!
What is a gated wye?

Answer: This device is placed in a doorway or window to suck smoke out of a building.
Way off! The proper knot to tie a prussik loop is a double fisherman.
What is a door Chock?

This is the proper knot to tie the halyard of a ladder to the bed prior to climbing it. (Come on Doug, you know this one!)

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