CHARLESTON, S.C. - A fire department in South Carolina has removed a nativity display from a station after getting a complaint.

The Post and Courier of Charleston reported Monday that the nativity scene was removed from Charleston's Fire Station 12 after the complaint that the display supports Christianity.

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a letter dated Dec. 17 to Mayor Joe Riley and Fire Chief Thomas Carr asking that the display be removed. The letter says a local resident complained.

The complaint was referred to the city's legal department, which recommended the scene be removed, citing U.S. Supreme Court rulings against promoting one religion over another.

A number of Charleston fire stations have Christmas decorations, but those include Santa Claus and holiday lights.

Information from: The Post and Courier,

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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awesome. Since we're abandoning the 1st Amendment, which other ones do you think we can do without? I enjoy shooting, so let's keep the 2nd, everyone loves the troops, so lets ditch the 3rd. Criminals have it easy, so the 4th and 5th should go...
Remind me again, under which god? Allah, Vishnu, Yahweh, Quetzalcoatl, Manitou, Thor, et al.
So as a "good" christian you pretty much demean, discount and dismiss all other religions and beliefs? Nice! Jesus must be so very proud of you. Can we all at least still stay in this country? Or would you have us leave it just for your particular christian belief?
Ben, come on. This isn't about who's religion is better, it's simply about removing religious displays from public property. And why exactly would be put that we trust in god on our money? Is it to appease god? Seems rather a petty thing to have to do to keep him/her/it happy. On the other hand, god does seem to allow athletes to win games, race car drivers to win races and musical performers to win awards. They're always thanking jesus for his effort on their behalf.

As for wars, what you refer to is mostly anecdotal with very little if any historical documentation. Also, what you quote is from the hebrew torah. Now granted jesus was a jew, but i'm always amazed that 'christians' incorporated the hebrew bible into their own belief structure.

And as for joshua and jericho, really, walking around the walls with a trumpet and tumbling down the walls, really? Come on, that's allegorical at best. Not to mention that yahweh back then was a right vengeful deity and wasted whole societies for no reason other than divine whim.
Whoever filed the complaint is entitled to the FD's service because their taxes paid for it! This type of issue is not "anti-religion" it seeks to keep government out of religion.
Dontcha know... (to the tune of the old Ken-L-Ration commercial)

My God's better than your God
My God's better than yours
My God's better 'cause we are a "Christian" nation
My God's better than yours....
(insert a series of sarcastic rolling eyes smiley icons here.....)

It's ironic that those who say we are being intolerant of Christianity are just as intolerant to Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Bhuddism, Shintoism, Zorastorianism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses,Tom Cruiseism (aka Scientology), Rastafarianism (smoke a spliff, listen to Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff), Atheism, Agnosticism, Confuciusism and of course the "Pastafarians", who smoke a spliff, listen to some Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff and worship the great flying spaghetti monster... (insert another series of sarcastic rolling eyes smiley icons here...)
The Great Gig In The Sky.
Jack, if we're going to remove all religious displays from public property, it's time for you to hitch up your little red wagon and start uprooting thousands of crosses and stars of David from Arlington National Cemetary...then the rest of those National Cemetaries.

If you're going to complain about discuss a god wasting whole societies on a divine whim, check with Kali's avatar, or my profile's religious preference. You also might check the historical records of Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Chairman Mao, Idi Amin, and a variety of 3rd world dictators, all of whom wasted entire societies on whims that were far less than divine.

As for which God we trust, the money doesn't specify. That leaves it up to the user's interpretation. Since money IS god to some people, the phrase on their cash is eponymous. Did you just assume that the God to which the money refers was the Judeo-Christian one?
Jack, seen the national flag of Israel lately?
I think we all know the answer to your question.
Hey hey, I happen to be a Pastafarian, I represent those remarks.
Just a note, I wouldn't include atheism in that laundry list of religions. Despite what some would believe, that atheism is a form of religion, I would point out that atheism is no more a religion than baldness is a hair color.
May HIS Noodleyness bless you.
Ben, clearly the god unto which trust has been layed is indeed the judeo-christian one, it was christians what pushed for and got it put on.

Cemetery's by their nature are typically religious. In fact it was only fairly recently that the catholic church allowed for cremation. It was previously only acceptable that a catholic had to be buried. So while arlington national cemetery is national, it is still a place in which people are buried, according to their beliefs (or lack of, atheist are allowed).

I was not complaining (despite your strike through) simply pointing out that according to the bible yahweh was quite irrational with regards to whom he struck down. He was rather indiscriminate at times with his wholesale vengence, for example"

Exodus 12:29
29 At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well.

Seems rather arbitrary and abrupt, doesn't it.

Not sure how hitler, stalin et al figure into this discussion. But since you bring it up, do you know off hand the number of people who died in nagashaki and hiroshima? (albeit with some justification perhaps but still, dead is dead). Hard to see how the actions of men can be compared to those of a god. I would direct you to Deuteronomy 2:32–35 and 3:3–7 as well as Samuel 15:1–9 and 6:19. I could go on but I think you get the point.

I'm not quite sure why you want to insist on ratcheting this discussion up each time, it's not my intent or desire to denigrate your or anyone else's beliefs. But I hesitate to stand by while some insist that the original discussion had somehow infringed on their rights. And if you wish to continue this line of debate I'm certainly up for it, though I fail to see the relevance of this to the original post.
ruf, ruf,ruf...ruf...ruf,ruf,ruf....

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