Just letting anyone know, if you have taken a direct delivery course, or even one at the academy, you might want to go to the academy site and check the section where you can print your certificates for classes. I checked mine the other day and found out the hazmat tech class that was put on earlier in the year, or late last year, I can't remember at this time! has the wrong name on mine, as a hazmat tech train the trainer with the wrong hrs. on it, but it does have the course number for the tech class. So if any of you that took the class, or any other one that is wrong, after a discussion with willie, he states that you personally have to contact the academy and have this changed. I plan on doing this within the next few days, and will let you all know how easy or bad of a process it is to get it changed, as we know we are working with the state here!!

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Here is a copy of the info sheet that the LEPC has put together in regards to the certificates from the OFA: I will also contact the OFA to see what has happened in this one case. Anyone that took the 40 hr haz/mat tech pilot course, I do have a copy of your certificate showing the 40 hr class.

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Local Emergency Planning Committee

P.O. Box 404, 215 South Market St., Lisbon, Ohio 44432
Office # 330-424-0861, Fax # 330-420-1099, E-mail: cclepc15@yahoo.com

Ohio Fire Academy Training Certificates

The Ohio Fire Academy has changed their procedure for issuing certificates for their OFA classes. They will no longer send these out in group form to the sponsoring agency as they have done so in the past. It will be the responsibility of the student to go online and print out their own. The LEPC utilizes the OFA for all of their Haz/Mat related classes. The OFA has a record of all students that have taken any classes thru the OFA and you can print out your individual certificate for any class that you have taken thru them. The following is the procedure for accessing the OFA website.

 Go to www.com.ohio.gov/fire/
 Scroll down on right side of SFM page to “How Do I Register For a Class” and click on
 On the next screen in the middle, click on “My Profile” box
 You have two options here:
1. Enter Student ID and password (if known) password case sensitive
2. Or, “Create New Account” if not previously done
After obtaining new account with student ID and password enter this info and click “Login”
 This will bring up a page showing every class that you have registered for and completed thru the OFA. It will show the course, course number, course details, year of the course, completion date, and the option to print out the certificate for that course.
 Once finished make sure to retain your student ID and password and log out.

If anyone has questions or problems, please contact the LPEC office either by phone (330-424-0861) or by email; cclepc15@yahoo.com


I talked to the state on wed. of this week about my cert. and i'm waiting on a return phone call. When this happens I will let you know what I make out.
Received a reply back from Ken Thompson, OFA Registrar, problem has been corrected. When you go on line to "My Profile" it will reflect the 40 hours, but will have a different course number of "1749". Hope this clears up any confusion. Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for the assistance willie! Mine is correct now!
Thanks Willie

What if the student is out of state? BE SAFE!!!
I'll check and see about those from out of state that took the Chlorine class.


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