R Griffin
  • Male
  • East Liverpool, OH
  • United States
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R Griffin's Friends

  • Christy Harrington
  • Karen Pierce
  • Rebecca Phipps
  • Jessica Rivers
  • Michelle Quaranto
  • larry jenkins
  • Gina
  • Bob
  • Keith Giffin
  • Jonathan Yerkey
  • Michael J. Gregory
  • Rachelle Ussia
  • Tiffany High
  • Peggy Willison
  • Jeremy Hinton

Welcome, R Griffin!

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Glenmoor Fire/ resigned
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Currently debating on joining another department in our twp.--
Pittsburgh Metro F.O.O.L.S
My Training:
I train with other departments in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Extrication, Haz mat, Awareness of command and control decision making at multiple alarm incidents,Alternative water supply planning and implementing.#1 DON'T TRAIN UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT--TRAIN UNTIL YOU CAN'T GET IT WRONG..................#2 IF YOU RESPOND 2 MINUTES LATE NO ONE WILL NOTICE IF YOU DON'T RESPOND AT ALL NO ONE WILL FORGET! #3 IT IS BETTER TO GET THERE GOING THE SPEED LIMIT THEN HALF WAY THERE FAST!!!
About Me:
I joined the Ohio State Highway Patrol Auxiliary and served many years before the demand of the construction of our station left no free time between work. I spend free time now visiting different fire departments and sharing training ideas and attending classes. I am a member of the Pittsburgh FOOLS and enjoy the activities and trainings available. BE SAFE!!!
Day Job:
Overhead crane operator
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My brother talked me into it.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
There's always something to learn
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Training, New construction and cost $$$$ of new equipment.


A "Mutt" is someone or thing that will abuse and mistreat a Firefighter. This can be the City, the Mayor, the Chief in Charge, the habitual caller, or the homeless Person who starts a fire and leaves.

These are people that have never crawled down a hall or made the last room in an effort to do their job. If they can't get the job done today well maybe next week will do.

If we don't get the job done people might die and our brother and sister might also die. So we always lay it on the line and leave a little behind at every fire. I say that in a dark smoky hallway I can't tell the race, creed or sex of my fellow firefighter, I just know that they are with me. I don't care who or what you are as long as you are a firefighter and want to protect your brothers and sisters.

Leather forever. Stay low and let it blow!
Captain Mike Dugan, Ladder Co. 123, FDNY


Added by fellow FOOLS:

"Sulum reverto domus"

Author unknown, possibly Old Gallagher

"Although 'EGH, Everybody Goes Home' is not always possible, it is part of what we strive for. It is why we train, it is why we read, it is why we interact with each other. We need to share the knowledge. The more we share, the more we pass on what we have learned, the safer we will be. The fewer funerals we will have to go to, the more of our Brothers and Sisters that will go home. Because it is all about protecting each other". (Pressler, 2002)



Lieutenant Michael Ciampo, FDNY

"The Fire service, as a whole, is collectively still trying to recover from the effects of Sept. 11. The 343 members of the FDNY who made the supreme sacrifice that day will always be in our hearts and forever on our minds. As part of our FOOL's "signature", R-F-B, "Remember Fallen Brothers", these heroes should never and will never be forgotten. This should also include ALL of our fallen Brothers, no matter where they were from, or the matter in which they died. Their names have been added to long list of those that have laid down their lives so that others may live."
(Pressler, 2002)


"Servo fides"

Captain James L. Jester, Ocean City, MD

"Keep the Faith. With all that has happened we must believe. We must have faith in ourselves and in the others that think like us. They can transfer us, they can make you cut your mustache, the can tell you what you can't wear on your helmet, but never let them break your spirit!" (Pressler, 2002)


DTRT - "Do The Right Thing"
"Operor Vox Res"

Lieutenant Bob Pressler, FDNY, Retired

"With everything going on in our lives, both personnel and professional, this may be sometimes hard to do. We are always pulled in several directions when there are tough decisions to be made. Even after weighting all the possibilities or options, decisions are sometimes still very hard to make. But, under closer examination, there usually is a "right thing". It may take personnel sacrifice, it may not be what you really would want to do, but it is the correct thing to do."

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