It seems that every time I get my Class A out of the closet to dress up I find that somehow the jacket and pants have shrunk. Is there some mysterious force at work here? I am thinking of placing a video camera in there to see if some one or some thing is amiss. Anyone else encountered this mystery and have found solutions to the "Great Shrinkage Mystery"? Humm? Maybe the Safe-Ish guy has the answer......
I think it's the same guy (or gal) that causes 1 sock from each pr. to disapear somewhere between the washer and dryer! I'm going to apply for a federal grant to further study the situation and come up w/ an expensive nonworkable solution! lol
You know you've hit on something here. (hurting my brain thinking this way) Keep me on your mailing list for the voluminous conclusion to that study. Dang! if ACORN can do this at least this should be some important grant information. Go for it Ladd.