Version 2 is finally out (ya, I know it took 6 months) but, check it out and let us know what you think... the link is Per the feedback we got last time, we added a metric version, GPM, and some other features.

Same thing applies as last time, the first 10 folks who are willing to test it for us can respond to this email and get a free app for their iphone/itouch. If you got one last time, it will automatically update.

Views: 306

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OK I'll bite. Anything that makes life easier. Let's give it a try!
Hi Peter!

Thanks for testing. Send a message to "" for the code will be sent to you.


69 folks have updated their app... if you are one of those, please let us know what you think of the changes.
Hey can this be made for the Android system I would love to try it... I have t-mobile G1
Maybe...we haven't tried to code for any of the other phones yet. They all use a different computer language so we have to learn them first. This is just a hobby for us - not our day job. :)
Thats cool!
Just posted some screenshots!
Hey Maddy,

I really like the look of it! My only problem is I need to get a free iphone for the app!

I'm very interested in the feedback.


where and how can I down load this app on my cell phone?

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