Just a question do you think there should be exterior and interior firefighters? In my opinion i do.

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John. Our Dept. has & companys. Our co. has 13 interior FF out of 25 and that is just ours. I our dept. we do have alot of both and our mutual aid is just a stone throw away. We do have a RIT team coming in on the 1st alarm. One of our mutual has at least 10 to 15 Firefighter per responce this i know because one is my son-in-law
This is probably heretical but I don't believe in such a thing as an "exterior" firefighter. It's counter-intuitive. If someone wants to "join" a fire department but doesn't want to be a firefighter, and is allowed to join, then it is not a fire department, it's a social club or, as I like to think of them, an organized mob with access to water.
stay safe-ish
we consider this support people exterior ff some have the training but because of their age or something else they decide to stay outside.some cant take the a pack on their back and some cant take being in a small space. their is alot of work to do after ladders are thrown,holes are cut, hydrants are hit ask any exterior ff they can tell you. And i can tell anyone i proud to have them on any of our scenes
jack I'm 43 yrs old in 10yrs i might not be able to inter but just because of that i wont give it up.hopefully i can past my experience to some one
Age? They "decide" to stay outside? Can't take a pack on their back?
Where exactly are those holes being cut? I hope NOT on the roof, not without a pack.
I would think that getting more actual firefighters would be more appropriate than simply letting anyone "join" that wants to.
LOL well most of our club memmbers have 25- 30 years in the fire service so i geuss you can call them that.
were are you coming from? tk co. or like my co will cut a hole in the roof throw ladders! when you are in do you want to come out and fill your pack to me its nice to have someone to do it for me. and for age their are alot older ff then me. and to they decide if someone doesnt feel comfortable in doing something you dont force them to do it! example if someone is afraid of heights are you going to tell them the have to go up the ladder if so you just created another problem and that someone gotta go get that person or should i say RESCUE
Looks like i opened up a can of worms on this one
Looks like i opened up a can of worms on this one


and for age their are alot older ff then me. and to they decide if someone doesnt feel comfortable in doing something you dont force them to do it!

There was a similar thread on this very topic. If they don't feel comfortable, so what, then they shouldn't be a FF. If it is a comfort level thing, you train until there becomes a comfort. The fire service is a paramilitary organization and orders are given and should be followed. If someone can not, will not, or too scared to accept that, then they should not be a firefighter.

example if someone is afraid of heights are you going to tell them the have to go up the ladder if so you just created another problem and that someone gotta go get that person or should i say RESCUE

Ladders are an integral tool and part of the fire service. If they are afraid of heights, then you work on training to build a comfort level. If they can not do so, then there is no reason to be a firefighter.
James, I never said anyone should be "forced" to do anything. What I said is that you need to have people capable and trained to be firefighters, not interior or exterior. And an interior firefighter that won't climb a ladder? Seriously what kind of fire department is that?

Did I understand you correctly when you said that you have people cutting holes in roofs without SCBA? Hard to tell for sure as I was having a bit of time deciphering what you had written. If I got it wrong let me know. If I got it right, WTF? You let people vent a roof without SCBA?

Staying safe-ish IS an achievable goal.
James, no, its a discussion. We just cant totally understand your point of a exterior versus interior firefighter or that there would be a difference. NO PROB!
John you are right to a point. Were does it say that if you are afraid of heights you can't be a ff. Numbers are dropping for the fire service all you are saying it's a wonder why the numbers are dropping.You have very good points please dont get me wrong. My wife is a ff she doesn't wear a pack because of her back but she plays a big role with our rescue,she fills packs and when we need something we sometimes don't have to ask it's like she reads our minds.

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