I would like to start this off by looking at this picture and what I would like for everyone to do is tell me everything you see on what is being done wrong or right and what is missing and needs to be added. And as we go along we will get into Different types of nozzles some that are old and some that are new, and if anyone has some insight for the rookies in here please share. Remember Knowledge is power, and with that knowledge it keeps you and everyone else safe.

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LASALLE was old as dirt.

In these pictures we can see several different types of Playpipes and Shutoffs, These are different then your ground base or truck mounted monitor. Can anyone tell me there place and what they might be used for??? Pay attention to the different types of nozzles, Stacked tips, master stream nozzles...
Your right coolidge...
Haven't seen these before. Thanks Chief!
wow I knew about not cooling the chimney down to quick but the baggie bomb thats a new one
We have many chimney fires in New Hampshire due to our rapidly changing seasons. Today 11/20 beautiful in the high 50's tonight down in the 20's. Everyone is now starting their wood stoves or fireplaces to take off the chill.

The baggie bomb has worked well. The snuffer as the chief has shown, is another option for us. Though I tend to use it as a last resort because if the chimney is plugged solid, one hazard is water can form and crack the chimney flue if the nozzle itself doesn't get used correctly to break up the plug. Another time we had the hose itself (like the top picture) melt and the nozzle fell off the line due to direct flame contact. And then again we have also used an ABC extinguisher fired up from the chimney cleanout door as well.

The plugged chimney /fire issue is usually at the point in which the chimney breaks the plane of the heated/non-heated roofline or attic. The initial heat from start up loosens creosote build up and it tends to lay over and cause a plug. Your chimney is now airlocked and the heat from the initial start up (again typically using dry pine and kindling that burns hot and fast) now sends extra heat up and gets the plug burning.

The most success we have had is in the form of aggressive combination attack from the engine and ladder company. Engine guys close off the air intake to the stove, attempt to extinguish or darken down what is burning in the fire box with short bursts of an APW, then close it up, Ladder Co drops a baggie bomb from the top to slow it down if actively burning, then lower a ball and chain. Lowering the ball, the extra weight breaks up the plug easily, thus re-establishing the positive upwards flow of air movement.

Then the team on the bottom can use an extinguisher if we still have any remaining fire. Remember a good size up and recon from the team on the top to identify the distance down they had resistance (plug) and that is where your engine guys should look for extension with the TIC.

This is still improper. Nozzle man needs to get that line out in front of him for better movement and ease of control. Otherwise he is just fighting the hose and not letting the hose work.
Doug....NO.."water curtains" do NOT protect exposures...it has been proven that radiant heat Does go right through them...it takes a Firefighter with a handline (NOT a booster line) to put sufficient water on the exposure...or an unmanned moniter....better to man it....Paul
Hate to say it Brad....but check e-bay.....Paul

I will end this food for thought for everyone and want to thank you for getting involved in this thread and every other thread on this sight...If we get involved we can change the world. Have a great thanksgiving...
i have yet to take my ff1 class but, this has helped me immensely.
thank you! ive learned so much! (:
Their department might not use the dog-tag style accountability tags.
If they use the Passport system, the tags are at the command post and their helmet fronts are their company identifiers. Or...they could have the electronic T-Pass units on a coat clip or SCBA d-ring.

It doesn't matter if they're training or not - the SCBAs are mandatory for live fire.

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