I know most of the history behind the maltese. My newest fire department t-shirt has a maltese on it that contains a symbol I dont know. Its in the center of the cross. A long stick shape with a ball on top. I have had no luck finding an explenation for the parts of the symbol to answer my question. Does anyone know what this symbol is and where it comes from?

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This is only a guess. Possibly something to do with your city's seal?
that was one of my thoughts too till i realized it wasnt just our maltese that had the symbol. ill have to see if i can get a pic of it on here for others to check out.
In the scramble? Does it represent a pike pole or a ram maybe?
It also sounds like half an ems symbol. Maybe they ran out of money to finish it?

I believe that you're referring to the Rod of Asclepius.
The rod without the snake is a symbol of authority, which may be what was intended on the Maltese in question.

More on this here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_of_asclepius

I have to agree with Jay it probly is a city seal.
I know this is an old thread but I think the item you are asking about is a kind of torch, carried by the watchmen of New Amsterdam to light the streetlights. These watchmen were tasked with looking for fires as they patrolled the streets.
Thanks for the input on my question. I have gotten a suprizing number of different ideas on the subject from people here and those on my department. Guess I may have to dig a little deeper to find out which is the right answer. Here is a pic if it loaded right...lol
I cannot find my citations at the moment, but I seem to remember sometime in the 1800's, the duties of the fire watchman were increased to also light and tend to the gas street lamps. I believe the staff you are referring to was the long torch used to light the lamps.
we have the same thing on our badges and i have asked the same question with no real answer
Yup as stated earlier...it is the torch of New Amsterdam..Alan Shaw explained it above. It is a long stick with a kinda u shape holding a ball. Just like the old parade torches.
any chance you can backtrack to the person who designed it? Maybe they know what it is?

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