I was wondering last night now other Fire Departments are dispatched. Here's an example of us for Fire and EMS.

Fire/or other related call.
KDP-395 to all (Department) home receivers.
Report of a (nature of call) at address or location.
Cross roads between so on and so forth.
Repeats with KPP-395 clear at time given.
Requesting acknowledgement.

KDP-395 to all Department Home Receivers.
ALS or BLS/EMS Request at so and so residence.
Cross roads are between this and that.
For a something or other age male/female with complaint.
Repeats with KDP-395 clear at time given.
Requesting acknowledgement.

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ok pretty good insight on everyones area very interesting. where i growed up and got into the fire/rescue service in NC this is what you get. car wrecks and all.

Prealert, tones
station 13 Rhodestown respond to the area of Richlands Hwy Nc Hwy 111 refrance a 10-50 vehicle overturned EMS, LEO enroute. prealert. repeat and with additional information if any, and then if you dont answer up weather it be a Cpt or Chief Officer since they are the only ones with Portable radio, if the cheif officer of Cpt checks enroute and no one answers that station 13 copy have a truck enroute shortly depending on nature of call Central will ask that chief or capt if they wnat tones dropped again or they will automatically do it. if no one answers up at all then after 3mins second page sent if no one then next avail station will go.

on a Structure fire you will get due to mutial aid agreements it will be diff depending on where in the districk it is who will ge the tones.
prealert, tones for each station being toned

attention Station's 13,14,5. need you to respond to address for a report of a structure fire caller advise smoke in the residance. of comming from what have you.

prealert, attention stations 13,14,5 respond to address for a report of a structure fire caller advise smoke in the residance cross streets are gonna be xx and xx usually they try to give a main road, if not then you can request futher and they will bring up the maps and go detail like take nc Hwy 111 to uniton Chaple Church to Harther, so on so forth...

now where im at now in Columbia SC, we are mainly a paid dept but some stations have Volunteers still but it dosent matter with that all they do is on the MOS-CAD or the central alarm system to all stations the Volunteers pager will be set off then on MOS-CAD in the station you get a really loud beeping sound that gets louder when that staion is being tones out. we are assigned to battalions also with the station and Engine you are assigned to.

for a Car Wreck depending where its at on the city county boarder or a coverage call or what have you if a company is already in service or the seriousmess of the call. but any who this is it.

simple wreck
the Loud tones from MOS-CAD then you get
E-30 Rescue 4, or E-30 E-22, prepare to copy accident at Garners Ferry and universal red car vs a silver car grids 48-D-4
the it repeats. it all depends on the type of call or where its at how its dispatched.

major Wreck its pretty much the same but you get this

E-30 E-22 Rescue 4 Rescue 5 Battaion 4 prepare to copy Accident garners Ferry and Universal possible entrapment red car vs silver car grids 48-F-3.

on a structure you get it way diff as in this

E-30 E-22 E-8 L-8 resuce 4 and 5 battaion 4 battalion 1 Structure fire xxxx address grids 48-B-3
then it repeats. so on so forth
Clear tones ( twice)
Standby Make Beleave Fire and EMS
Make Belave Fire and EMS
Reported Structure Fire
20 Imaginary road
crossroads of narrow highway and middle of nowwhere road

repeat from tones on
In baltimore city
Silent 1 beep Engine X(or Truck) respond to XXX st for the alarm bells box area xx-x
Medical 2 beeps Medic X respond to XXX st for the man down box area xx-x
Box Alarm scary tones Box Alarm xx-x Units respond on Charlie 1 Engine X Engine XX Engine XXX as the RIT Engine XXXX Engine XXXXX Truck X Truck XX Rescue 1 (if its in the area) Battalion Chief X Battalion Chief XX to XXX St for the dwelling fire
All dispatches are repeated twice officers also get a page and the run comes up on the computer in the unit and there is a print out on the watchdesk
While in station the radio just opens up for the medic and the gong goes of for every run that a company is on. We also have to reset the watchdesk after every run we man the watch from 7am till 10pm after 10 the silent watch and if the radio opens up some one has to get up to reset it
in washington county new york we get dispatched from county dispatch. my department will get dispatched for example like this

Standby Middle Falls
Middle falls reported power lines down and arching
state route 40 north
repeat from tones

unless its an AMA Call then is sound like this
Standby MIddle Falls Daytime AMA
Tones ( for 4 departments)
Middle Falls Fire Daytime AMA
Reported Power Lines down and arching
state route 40 north
1006 (time)
then repeate from tones
Station 13 this is an alert, I repeat, this is an alert. All firefighters please report to station for further in structions.
Station 13 on the air at whatever time.
Our county has enhanced 911. We are going to further enhance it with GPS mapping very soon.
Call for assistance goes to county dispatch.
Dispatch will bring up address, jurisdiction comes up automatically, responding agency are all on screen.
Dispatch hits the button and the pagers and portable radios tone out and then a voice message.
Plain English; no 10 codes.
Then, we go.
Wow lots of different ways just to dispatch a call. Ill throw mine in there.

(ECOM Attention Harmony, 10-50pi (MVA)
Address followed by tones

Then it gets fun!
(ECOM) Harmony base (EMS) Code 3, North Iredell Rescue, Harmony Fire, 10-50pi, 115 West Memorial Hwy
They usally repeat the above.

Now for checking in route. Our county is kinda screwy since we you some ten codes and some plain text.

(FIre dept) Ecom Engine 442 is enroute
(ECOM) Engine 442 10-4
(ECOM) Harmony , E442 now in response 10-50pi 115 west memorial hwy

ecom will relay any info they get while we are enroute.

(Fire Dept) Ecom E-442 on the scene, ( quick size up) 419 will have West Memorial command.
(ECOM) E442 10-4, Fire 3 (radio channel)) for your OP's

(Fire Dept) Ecom West memorial Command
(ECOM) West memorial Command go ahead
(Fire Dept) 2 PI with one Pin-in

Ok you get the idea. We have a pretty big county with 15 depts, 5 rescue squads and i think 10 ems units so it can get alittle busy on the radio's at times.
When we tone out it goes like this.

A 2 part tone sounds and then dispatch comes on with the following

attn. danevang fire dept. nature of call
and then the address is given along with a cross road and then dispatch repeats the call and gets off the channel so the chief, asst. chief, etc can call enroute to either the station or the scene.
*tone* to our pagers with announcement following on pagers. We are a rural setted county with different townships with a 3 digit number fo each department(township).
"Attention 800 presonnel we have a report of a structure fire at 123 N. You Name It St. Caller advises smoke showing."
.... first vol. to arrive at fire house goes to radio and says,"Central 800 clear on tone." then we roll calling central again saying wich engine or other apparatus in in route.
"Central 850 is in route to 123 N. You Name It St."
Chilton County E-911 Dispatch
Verbena, Alabama Volunteer Fire & Rescue

Chilton to Verbena Fire or Rescue, Address of Call, Cross Streets, Repeat.

Example : Chilton to Verbena Rescue, I-65 at the 201 Mile Marker Southbound, Check a wreck for injuries, Cross Streets
are County Road 59 Overpass & County Rd 24 Overpass. (Repeat).

(County 911) to all *insert fire department name* members, have a report of a "blah blah blah" at *address*, please respond when enroute.
As Pager Goes off
then address and crossroads
the type of call
then repeated

then text alert given other info that could be usefull

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