I see allot of rookies in here and I thought I would do a little informational segment just for your guys and see just how much you know and some of you lifers out there like myself lets help these guys and gals out and give them some food for thought and maybe give them some Instructions and some examples of what a Hooligan tool is used for or can be used for and how multipurpose it can be. And if you have any visual effects lets add them to the post. Now this is just a start and I just picked this one out of the Air. And if you have a story to tell or used this tool for something other then what it was built for share your story, heck I'm never to old to learn...

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wow, that is quite a tool! thanks for posting Chief!
that is a pretty good video, thanks for posting.
As a Truckie, my tool assignment is either a haligan and a 6 ft roof hook or a set of irons. Nonetheless, the uses of the haligan or hooligan at a fire scene are endless and limited only by our imagination and experience. I use mine to force entry, to take windows, to sweep when searching, to shut off gas valves, to sound floors, to open walls and ceilings, to remove door and window frames, etc...I also carry a haligan on MVA's and vehicle fires. For MVA's, I use the tool to get a purchase point for the hydraulic tools, to pry open the hood, to remove the dash, or to knock out the lock cylinder to get into the trunk. For vehicle fires, I will use it to pry open a corner of the hood or smash a headlight for access to the engine companrtment, to reach the hood latch if needed, to bust windows, and to prop the hood open for access to the engine. Nonetheless, the uses are endless. The most important thing is to know your tools,their uses, and limitations.
We also use the Haligan to spread apart the doors to get a spreader in there to finish the job.

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