I see allot of rookies in here and I thought I would do a little informational segment just for your guys and see just how much you know and some of you lifers out there like myself lets help these guys and gals out and give them some food for thought and maybe give them some Instructions and some examples of what a Hooligan tool is used for or can be used for and how multipurpose it can be. And if you have any visual effects lets add them to the post. Now this is just a start and I just picked this one out of the Air. And if you have a story to tell or used this tool for something other then what it was built for share your story, heck I'm never to old to learn...

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BRAVO ZULU Chief, this is meat and potatos of FFN! This is what us old timers of the nation joined for. BTW what is everyones favorite color for their iron set? JUST KIDDING!
Be safe and learn something new.
Yep, pretty much sums it up, thanks for the pictures to go along with what I stated.

Here is a couple of opening that pesky hood we fight with so much, as you can see the Hooligan tool has made entrance thru the grille and to the cable to open the latch. And hey how many have you thought of useing the tool to prop the hood open once you have open the hood, it wont burn right...But now lets not forget those shocks up front that we all have heard of taking off firefighters legs when under heat or in an accident. Always be aware of your surroundings and always work in a safe manner.
Derek, no worries, I gave you that link. We exchange links here all of the time
As one of the lifers referred to, I have to admit never seeing one with a cutter, so I can start my day with new found knowledge. This is the tool of choice in our dept, I think they like the chrome, but it does make nice purchase points for door popping.
For bus extrication...

The side or rear emergency bus doors can be forced by driving the duckbill between the door and the latch, then rotating the duckbill.

The pick can be driven into the floor and used as a purchase point for a ram when pivoting a bus dash or flapping the taillight panels.

The fork can be used to peel down sidewalls during a "picture window" evolution as you make the cuts with a sawzall.

The fork can be used to pop seats off of the mounts to access passengers who have been pinned between the seat and the floor.
A co2 fire extinguisher will do the same thing.....might be more readily accessable for some.....Paul
oops almost forgot....works well on plexiglass or lexan windows also...freeze then a sharp blow will shatter it.....Paul
This is the first tool off our truck no matter what the call, it's uses are endless.I'll focus on MVC's for this one. Works wonders when gapping for the spreaders, after cutting A posts, a simple blow with this between B posts will open then roof up like a tin can, it can be easily managed by 1 person if you are low on man power like we are the majority of the time unfortunately. Not to mention all the uses explained above. Stay safe out there brothers, and thanks for the knowledge!
Thanx Jack. Didn't want to give your name either just in case. Its a great site by the way.
I have nothing to add on this one currently, but I have to say this is a great thread, and I wish to see more threads that help me grow in knowledge as a firefighter, especially being volunteer with limited continuing training...threads like these are great.

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