My wife was admited to the hospital on September 13th around 1000 cst with fever over the previous fourty-eight hours,a productive cough that had progressively worsened over three days , and shortness of breath with cyanosis apon admission .By 1700 she had been moved to the ICU ,where by 2000 cst she had been sedated ,entubated and placed on a ventilator . I felt helpless as she progressively worsened throughout the day .I had no clue who to call, not my mother-she would have said " I don't go and sit in waiting rooms or sit by the bedside all day, I just can't do it ",and my wife's mother ,Lucy,although I had no doubt she would come prepared to "camp out" for the duration-she didn't need to do that.
I would like to hear how any of you have handled similar situations in your life .

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Damn Al, I don't know what to tell you other than do what you feel is right. At such times is there really a wrong answer? Prayers out to you and your wife and hoping she pulls through. If looking for support, you can always look to the brothers and sisters of the fire service, they are always willing to help. Hoping for the best.
I would like to add that ,My Mother and Father-in-Law ,Lucy and Homer ,did come the next day to go to the hospital and went with me to the ICU . "Mom" is still here ,13 days later ,"camped out" at our house. And my wife is off of the ventilator as of september 22nd having beaten the viral pneumonia that sickened her.We await her move to a regular bed on Friday,09/25 .
Please let me know how you handled illness in your family .
Be strong brother! My prayers go out to you and your family!
I'm glad your wife is better.I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Thanks John ,
As of 09/25 my wife is in a regular room ,Physical therapy worked with her today,a little, in the bed . It wore her out quick .late this evening I helped her get up to the bathroom,she was a little unsteady,but By God !she said she would make it ,and she did . Then back to the Bed . Afterward , she took a 45 min nap :) God Bless her .
Your wife sounds like a very strong woman. I pray that she continues to improve.
Update , Pam has been home for two weeks now ,thank you all for your prayers .She is getting a real work out by the physical therapist,she is up to wilking the length of our driveway , which is about 250 feet , a couple of times without getting winded and she is doing it without oxygen by nasal cannula ! and she is maintaining an O2 sat% of 96% while walking ! ! I am just so happy to have her home,and we will get to the end of this long road of recovery together , thank you all for your prayers . Al at
Dear Al,
I'm delighted your story is headed for a very happy ending. Praises all around. My experience as a fire service chaplain has lead to my assignment as a hospital chaplain as well. The greatest need may not be what your wife actually needs but what those relatives may require for their own comfort and satisfation. Their need to be there may might far exceed your expectations. Allowing them to be part of whats going on is a very healthy thing. It satisfies the "please-let-me -serve-syndrome". Not to mention the very real need for you to be able to take a break once in a while. By now you are probably aware of all that. She is so fortunate to have you. God bless you and yours. Pete
Stay by her side bro!

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