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our last two engines have a button and a sign, hit once to stop, hit twice to go. ahahahhaahha,
i guess im having a momentary laps in brain activity when i say HUH WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
Its a No.

I rode on the tail board for hose feeding how ever. And we pulled out from a Training fire down the street to put hose back on. We rode about 200 yards down the road. I stood on the rear tial board, holding onto the Grips, not a worry in the world. Until a safety officer came to talk to me as I was putting hose back in.

Im young..I don't know, and never will know, the feeling of riding a tailboard to a call .But that few moments of riding on that tailboard were was great! I felt so felt good on my body after the fire. I pictured all the old timers riding the board, eyes peering ahead just the same I was, and I could feel my firefighter brothers from yesteryear for that brief moment.
note to self try to get on Pittsburgh FD just for the ride lol
Capt, nope! Havnt done this for about 12 years I suppose. Remember doing that years ago. Scary stuff.
it happened only once and once only ! I came into work early and heard the engine start up, as i was parking my car i yelled to one of the guys who was working ambulance what the call was, he said House fire, so i jumped out of my car grabbed my bunker bag and started running towards the engine bay, as i was running i saw the officer getting into the front and i yelled for him to wait, i thought he heard me but when i got close to the engine, the driver just gunned it out of the station, without thinking i started running after the engine, i must have looked like a loon chasing after a fire engine with my bag in my hands. I just managed to grab the rear railing and yanked myself onto the tailboard. i basically just hung on with one arm and used the other one to dress, i got quite a reaction from the passing cars, the kids thought it was cool though, well funny enough when we arrived and i jumped off the officer did'nt even know i was on the back. It was a silly think to do, but i just did'nt even think it was more like a reflex action.
OSHA says no
Nope, but it was absolutely cool for the 12 years I did it :) !!!
You mean cold. On a warm summer day it was the closest thing to heaven on earth. But in the winter, quite the opposite.
I wanna ride on it just to say i did it go around a corner swing out kicking my feet out doin the superman on the way to a fire
Warm, cold, rain.... all good memories
I was coming home from work the other morning and was behind a trash truck, with trash men riding on the back. Someone should inform them they are in mortal danger!

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