Engineco913 has posted a Seatbelt Pledge that YOU, my fellow Nation-ites, can sign.

No, you don't have to wear a gown that opens up the back

Yes, you can keep your shoes on

No, it won't hurt, it won't even pinch a little

No, it doesn't come in different colors

But yes, it DOES come with side effects......a healthier and whole fire and EMS service; the members of which will be more likely to go home to their loved ones if they adhere to the promise they are about to sign.
Here's the link:

There are less than 100 signatures on this pledge, and I can't for the life of me fathom why?
There should be THOUSANDS of signatures by now. Save your brothers and sisters, save yourselves, and sign it.

What are you waiting for? To come home in a box?

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Wow a major influx of new folks whom have signed. Thanks to all my friends and those on my friends list who sent it out to their friends I appreciate it.
Now as for the comments about not wanting to sign a pledge because its something you do every time anyway; your not hurting me by not signing. This is simply a pledge (god I feel like a broken record) to sign to show the political powers to be (you know the ones who draft law...) that something needs to be done so seat belts are MANDATORY. Will this ensure 100% compliance? The answer is no. Will it save someones life? That is a more important question and the answer is YES!
Don't take your personal beliefs about being "against the system" to heart when there are some of us trying to make a differance in a capacity well beyond our fire districts. If you don't want to sign, then don't, but please don't step in the way because change is on the horizon.
Be part of the team or be left behind.
You rock Mike.

What he said.
Hip check bump.....youch!!

That's gonna leave a mark.....
lol Sean....

hummunahummunahummuna BUMP!
I have already signed the pledge and agree 100% with it.

I will not take anyone with me in my truck without wearing a seat belt and really don't feel like dislodging someone's heat from my windshield. It is also against the law to run around without wearing one.

So please support this pledge and use your seat belt. I was rearended on Feb. 11, 2008 . The driver that rearended my truck was going 10-15 miles over the posted speed limit of 35 mph. It was enough for me to sustain grade three injuries that are preventing my new bosses from allowing me to go to work. The other driver had she been going faster than she was could easily have missiled my head through my own windshield had I not been properly belted in.

Does anyone need to read much beyond this sentence..."The other driver had she been going faster than she was could easily have missiled my head through my own windshield had I not been properly belted in."

Seriously....I've SEEN first-hand what happens to a human body experiencing any sort of force unbelted in a moving vehicle. I'm not going into why I'm so vehement about seat belts, I don't share that story, it's too personal, but I'll be damned if I ever back down from pushing for seatbelt use.

Sign the pledge. Wear them. Every time. Stay alive.
hello mary ellen doing good chan
signed, sealed, delivered. Thanks for all you do.
Well, yes sort of.

I am saying that wearing a seatbelt is the law of the land. I should already be obeying the law. If members of our departments are failing to obey the law as they represent our various agencies, it is incumbent upon the officers of those departments to take disciplinary action aginst these individuals.

From the common sense end of things, common sense tells me, "Fire will burn you." Not wanting to get burnt, I wear my turnout gear. I wear it all and I wear it properly. I didn't need to sign a pledge to convince myself or others in my department of the importance of wearing our gear.

This is something that if it has to be addressed (and yes, I do believe it needs to be addressed, just not through some feel good, do nothing lobbying effort), it should be done at the department level, through use and enforcement of SOGs, through training, through our officer corps.

On the same thread, I'm not signing a petition that says I will continue to improve myself as a firefighter by expanding my knowledge base. I simply do it, I lead by example and encourage others within my department (and others) to do the same.

On a different note, what are we requiring of our apparatus drivers? Are we requiring them to receive CDLs? Or is the fastest guy (a term I use universally) to the station the one who drives? How many of our own are we injuring and killing each year because we don't have additional requirements of our apparatus operators? Why aren't we putting more requirements on our drivers? Is it a money issue or a manpower issue? Is it because the majority of fire departments nationwide are volunteer, and we can only ask so much of our people? Is it because our career departments are responding daily and should be better aquainted with their apparatus?
You obey the law because it is the right thing to do. You don't praise yourself for doing it.
I DIDN'T ROB A BANK TODAY!!! Congratulate me.
I pledge I will not rob a bank tomorrow. This should encourage you not to rob a bank too.
(see my line of thought here?)
Sometimes that controvertial comment can get people looking.

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