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NEW YORK - The U.S. firefighter drama "Rescue Me" will end in 2011 after seven seasons, its writer-producer, Peter Tolan, said.

Denis Leary (FX)
The show's Season 5 finale airs Tuesday.

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"Within the next couple of weeks, we're going to begin shooting the last 19 episodes, which will be the final two seasons of the show," Tolan told TVGuide.com.

Created by and starring Denis Leary, the series follows a group of fictional firefighters as they deal with the aftermath of the real-life terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center Sept. 11. 2001, which killed hundreds of New York firefighters.

"I think they're stretching the airing of (the series) out until the 10th anniversary (of 9/11,)" Tolan said. "So if you put 10 episodes on next year and nine the following year, you'll land there."

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My all time favorite show, ending that can't be. Really awesome show so sad to hear it will be ending. Never thought it would end this soon, hopefully they change their minds i absolutely love the show
it's a great show i never miss watching it
I think it is a FANTASTIC SHOW! I went thru "with-drawals" durrng the writer's strike lol. I know alot of people will disagree with me but I think it showed the "real- down- to- earth and nitty-grittyiness" of big city Fire Depatments. So at least we have 2011 to watch it and then its re-runs. I dont watch much television because I dont like Reality shows and thats all thats on anymore, so this will be one less hour I am watching the "tube".
Mixed feelings here, on one hand the show was a nice interesting program to tune into and it is watched at the firehouse and recorded at each station, despite some that say they don't watch it. So it is neat that there is a show depicting firefighters for a change, lord knows there are tons of cop shows out there.

But on the other hand, the series has seemed to take a wierd turn. There are so many little plot twists and so on, that if you don't watch all the time you can get lost. The other problem comes in when and if there is any firefighting going on, lack of facepieces, hoods, etc. While fictional it makes me shake my head and wonder if non firefighters who may watch this really believe that is how it is. Problem with ANY firefighting type of series is that they really don't last because the difficulty to truly and acurately depict the job when firefighting. You just can't film what a real fire is like, you wouldn't see faces, all you see is darkness, so another reason you just don't see many firefighting shows.
As the cliche so often goes... "All good things must come to an end."
wow..mmixed emotions lol

love the show ..hard to belliive its gonna end ..
First Emergency,then Third Watch, now Rescue Me!! WTF!!!!!!!! Why cant a FD show keep on going?? Glad I got all of the DVD's except for Season 5!!
you also forgot code red was aired in the 80's -

me and My crew never miss an eposide at the firehouse - its funny to see how the get along - they act like my crew dose since we are so close and alot of the guys are real family members
no,no,no, go on forever!
Thank-you....there really is a God..!!! I watched all of about 15 minutes of this show once...Hated it....Sorry for those of you who liked it and/or watched it religiously...but just my opinion.....Paul
Now what am i going to watch after that leaves the air? more reruns and watching it all over again. or just waiting to watch Third watch all over again.
Real bummed to hear the show's ending. Season 3 and 4 were sort of out there...but I'm happy to see this season back to where they should be. I Love the show and can't wait for Tuesday night. It sucks this season is over already , it seems like it just started. Hopefully Peter and Dennis will do a 10th anniversary (of 9-11) special , and just gear up and keep rolling out from there.

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