anybody had any crazy runs lately.

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58 y/o male, morbidly obese, diabetic. Accidently drove his "Hove-round"(Scooter, Jazzy, little motorized fat-ass hauler) off of the steps of his front porch. Multiple abrasions and a NICE goose egg on the back of his head. I lost the toss and had to hold c-spine for about 20 minutes until we got a collar on him. It was like trying to hold on to a greased watermelon!
4 am, paged out to a fire call. Woman reports a huge flash of light followed by a loud explosion noise. Got on scene, found nothing out of ordinary. Explained to lady that a flash of light and a big boom is a normal occurance during a thunder and lightning storm.
hahahaha.....add this to the list of B.S. calls and i want attention haha
Our last run was for a truck driver that was robbed and kidnapped from the city across the river from us. They tied him up, and held him in the slepper area of the truck. They ended up driving him over in to our city dumped him and his truck off in a parking lot behind a large social hall that is usually only used at night. The truck driver was able to get out of the truck and ran across the street to the bank. He was ok but very shaken up.
We were called for a shooting in South Providence. 14 shell casings littered the ground, at least thats the number of little yellow numbered tents that surrounded a bullet riddled car. My patient was grazed in the side by one of the bullets. All the way to the hospital all he worried about was where his friend was.

Half an hour later, as we were leaving the ER we got another call at the same address for another victim. The dispatcher asked us to expidite. We did. Arrived on scene to find the first kids friend sht to death, lating face down 100 feet from the original shooting, full of holes.

The police said the scene was secure, I had assumed they had looked around the perimiter, apparently, they did not. One white sneaker lay at the bottom of a fence, the other ten feet from the body.

That was two nights ago.
I haven't had any "crazy" calls in awhile now. One that I remember vividly is getting called to a residential home. It said an occupant was going through or had a diabetic seizure. We get on scene and find a 600-700 lb. man laying in his bed naked.

We used sheets and ropes to get him onto a scoop of some sort, and then tied him down. The way the stairs to get outside were angled we had to lift him up to a 90 degree angle to get him out. Me, being the probationary member on scene, had to stand under the man as we pushed him up. I felt bad for the guy.

On another call we had a brushfire ring in. My crew and I rode the engine out going lights and sirens (obviously). On our way there the driver was trying to get people to pull over to the side of the road so we could get by. One guy pulls over, whereas another guy on the same side pulls hard to the left. This is a 2 lane service road with barely any shoulder room. We made it through the two cars with what had to be inches to spare on either side. Of course when we got on scene the fire was already out with the use of a booster line from another one of our engines.

I can't recall any other stories as of right now, but I've been on some crazy calls.
That's depressing.
We had one last night actually. We got called out for a residential structure fire. PD arrived and reported fully involved and that they were making entry. We called for mutual aid right off the bat for this one. Then PD says we can disregard they had put the fire out with an extinguisher. We went ahead and proceeded to the scene to find out the fire had spread into the attic and PD didn't know it. We were there for about 5 hours making sure this fire was definately out.
When there's a confirmed structure fire it should be standard protocol for the fire department to indefinitely go to and inspect the scene... for reasons like this. PD should also have to take basic fire courses, if they don't take them already.
I worked a motorcycle accident involving 2 motorcycles that collided in a t-bone manner. According to police reports, the two motorcycles (both crotch rockets) began to race each other. The bigger of the two pulled away quickly and left the other motorcycle far behind. The bigger bike decided to turn around when he was stuck by the other motorcycle (who was traveling approximately 130 mph). I have never seen trauma like this before. The riders were both wearing helmets but only one had it on when we arrived. The helmets were totally destroyed.
i have seen this done b4.. not with our dept. but with other ones in the area..
sorry, but that may be bs. but it is still funny..

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