What kind of run have you recently had? Any new ideas? Any comments? Anything different? So what did your day bring?

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tcss mike
i know this is a little random and unrelated but....... I never thought i would look at something that appeared to be gibberish and know what it meant. yall will probably see me speaking this in the next few years
Yesterday, grass fire
Monday, mutual aid grass fire
last thursday, mutual aid, lg woodland fire (5 departments and the TX forest service)
a week ago last sunday woods fire
a weekago last saturday, lg woodland fire (all personneland all apparatus + forest service were nice enough to bring a couple of dozers and lend the spotter plane)

could anyone from the east coast send some of that rain to Se TX, we could use it!
Finding some teenagers lost in the mtn. one new idea watch out for snakes!
Toned out at 01:41 on Tuesday morning. Structure fire called in by homeowner advising heavy smoke in structure. Turns out the live-in grandma put something on the stove and fell asleep watching tv. More smoke than fire and damn little smoke. Toss the offending stovetop occupant into the back yard, TIC it for hot spots and run the PV fans for 30 minutes. Then roll the hoses and go home...

Had a pretty good MVA this afternoon with entrapment, but I was on the other end of the county and didn't roll on it.

Other than that, it's quiet...too quiet.

Yesterday a call for MA. House fire. Needed our tanker (tender). Got cancelled 30 secs out of barn. Other than that a MVA Sun Morn Young kid tried to be evil kenevil. airborn for 119'3" and walked away. Of course wheat is ready and can hear the fireworks now so not gonna be quiet for long. TCSS and Happy 4th of July to all.
June 30th, Working High risk fire at a chip factory. Multi alarms, Heavy smoke from a mile out. Fire on all three floors due to conveyer system. Total due on the box, 2 trucks, 7 engines, 2 rescues, 1 air truck, 2 RITs, 2 bls

Flaming chips traveling on a conveyer belt at Bickel's Snack Foods in West Manchester Township caused significant damage to the plant Tuesday.
The fire, in the 1000 block of West College Avenue, started before 2 p.m. in a fryer, said Chief David Nichols of the West Manchester Township Fire Department.

After the fryer was ablaze, burning snack food transferred onto the factory's conveyer belt, which is normally used to move foods up the assembly line, Nichols said. The burning product trucked along the conveyer system, moving through all three stories of the building and catching each floor on fire, he said.

Several employees attempted unsuccessfully to put out the fire, Nichols said. Two or three were treated for minor smoke inhalation, he said. There were about 30 people working there at the time, he said.

"Fortunately, all the employees were able to escape on their own," Nichols said.

The fire was ruled accidental.

It started around the fryer when an "accumulation" of food residue - described as chips, crumbs and grains - came in contact with the hot oil, Nichols said. The building caught on fire quickly because it is an older structure with a wooden frame, he said.

Efforts to reach a Bickel's representative for comment were unsuccessful. Several employees at the scene declined to comment on the fire, but two who did not give their names said they were making corn chips Tuesday.

The cost of the damage is going to be significant, Nichols

said. Besides fire and smoke damage to the building and equipment, there will likely be lost products and supplies, he said.
"It's not going to be like $500," Nichols said.

The state Department of Agriculture will come out to inspect the plant soon and will have to determine what needs to be thrown away, Nichols said. The plant cannot reopen until the department determines it is safe, he said.

Crews from nine local fire departments responded to the blaze, which was under control in about 30 minutes.
Upper Augusta VFC, in Pa. responded to a false AFL at the Sunbury Community Hospital on July 1. We were
the first company to respond, we were put in service about 1 minute after responding.
July 1
Working fire 2 story wood frame res. structure. flames showing from 1st and 2nd story windows. 1st engine laid a 5 in supply and crew made 1st interior attack from the rear of the res. 2nd engine/rescue made entry for primary and advanced upstairs, after the initial knock down crews signaled all clear. house was bout 50-75 loss

Sandy Bottom Fire Rescue, NC
Last run, was a car fire behind a auto repair shop...way behind the shop, behind a locked chain link gate and fence.
July 2, Pa. York County, Dover Township. resid. Struct. Fire, Box 09-08, E9-1, E9-2, E6-2, E112-1,E3-1, T6,T26,T66,Tk1,Tk2 due on the box. Working fire well involved.
sounds like everyone has been busy.

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